Tuesday, November 16, 2010

YTKISS Episode 7: THE Last Webisode

Aigoo! I wanna cry.I dont want it to end!!!

Credit: ytkiss


  1. Kathy, dear..super fast! I emjoyed it but sad coz it finally dawn on me, its over. Pk 2 , please!!!!!

  2. It is the last webisode, EPISODE 7 of Playful Kiss but a beginning, another sign of more things to come for our wuri Leader, KIM HYUN JOONG!!! Let us enjoy PLAYFUL KISS while it lasts!!! We will support you forever LEADER!!!^^ agnes

  3. its so sad, i don't want it to end too... still hope G8 will change their mind.... PK2, pleaseee!!!

  4. i cried a lot, so sad to say goodbye!!! i really gonna miss minjoong,hyunmin,joni. it seems for now it would never be the same without pk, KHJ and JSM!!! thank you PK<KHJ,JSM for the happiness that u've shared to me!!! How can I ever forget you guys!!!

  5. There is no Hyunmin guys. It's an only drama. They're actors, so plese come to the real world. I want the leader focus on more singing with members of SS501.

  6. Anon 4: 23, Dont worry...

    Regardless if there is any HYUNMIN or none, we dont force. If they are, then great. If they arent,then it's still fine. We deal with reality too, you know...

    I am a TRipleS too so I long for that comeback too. But you can't blame me if I wish for someone for our dear Leader too. The SS501 boys arent enough..But nevertheless, that would be DAEBAK!


  7. Dear ANon 4:43:

    We want to subscribe to the idea that our PK characters are in love and together. Though realistically they are just actors, in the end, they are just human beings as well. Have you heard of love at first sight?or developed love?WHo knows?

    But this is what I seee: a chemistry full of smiles and unexpected glare, and most of all, they are both happy when they are together.If this is acting, then so be it!-Markiii Rose
