Credit: anpan2H
Friday, July 29, 2011
(Photos) Kim Hyun Joong rehearsal @ Odaiba Event
(Photo) Kim Hyun Joong Dining at His Jaksal Restaurant last July 12
Jaksal official website updated a photo with this photo and a description on his last visit at Jaksal.
Trans for God of Universe appeared at Jaksal:
Translated from Chinese to English: yulinged
(As requested, please do not amend the contents, do give credits when reposting.)
I got a fright when I first entered (Jaksal)..
If you wish to know, when you see the photo, you will be able to know why?
But he is considered to have quite a high profile amongst the actors. His popularity is also quite high, at such an open place drinking beer with his friends~~
Finally, after looking, HJ also said 'hello' to the customers around by looking at them with his eyes.
While he was drinking, he also gave others his autographs, his personality seemed like he could really take it easy, really not too bad.
Looking at him in person, he actually looks so handsome.
(Translation) Kim Hyun Joong at YoungStreet
If only I had stalked him at his vacation last year in Cebu, I would have seen him naked. LOL!
Credit: Cherkoo at Soompi
Video: hyunjoongnara
Credit: Cherkoo at Soompi
Video: hyunjoongnara
Brief Summary: KwangHee and Yeon are two new mc’s after Kim HeeChul as its mc.
KHJ loves doing radio program and chose 4 more radio shows to return for second round and YoungStreet is one of them. The others as we know are ChoiGwangHee, OkJooHyun and JungSunHee’s programs. KHJ says that idol Kwanghee is a TV personality who is rare or nonexistent in Korea and he is very happy about him. KHJ approached Kwanghee to do his radio show and he feels that KH is very good person as well. They talked about KHJ’s Uzusin items created by KHJ selling out very well in Japan. KHJ created that character so that fans feel that they are coming to KHJ and only KHJ concert. KHJ was asked if he was asked anything extraordinary when he went overseas: KwangHee is a great host in that he helps the guest in terms of thnking about their answer by using himself as an example…so KHJ talked about whether he wears underwear when sleeping..ans is no. KHJ is asked about the news that KHJ exposed his naked butt: KHJ says that he and the dancer hyungs and codi-noonas took a vacation to the Phillippines and stayed at a hotel with a private swimming pool. He says that dancer hyungs are like his brothers and they just swam with nothing on and then codi-noonas came in and they were shocked. (hey! This story is little different from the Secret show~~)
Questions from the listeners
KHJ says that if he were born a girl would he have married KHJ? He did not care for that question. He says that most likely if he were a girl he would not be very interested in KHJ because KHJ likes to spend too much time with other male friends and does not really know what to do with female friends/gf. (I have a feeling that he may be fitting his answers for the much younger crowd of listeners. KHJ ‘s promotion of his album is amazing in that he is reaching out to all ages groups and people of all musical tastes…I would think that Young Streeet is a differnt crwod than people who listen to Lee sora or other mc;s.)
What would KHJ do if he had one min to live: If so, he would like to repent all his sins before dying. He is Catholic. At KH’s suggestion, KHJ also said that he would say I love you to his family and children before dying and to say let us see each other in heaven. KH says that KHJ ans was so serious that he does not know how to respond,,,he thought it would be a joke. KHJ liked this person’s question.
Next question was if KHJ gets too tired of hearing how good looking he is. KHJ did not care for the question. But he says that actually he feels good when he hears that he is good looking whether he hears it one time or 1000 times. Who would not feel good hearing that they are pretty and handsome because it is a praise after all. The person receiving the praise may not be able to respond well but inside, that person will feel good always.
Even if you win lotto, would you continue to work? KHJ says that if he wins, he will pay tax and then donate the rest. He is currently buying lotto. He says that he thinks about it a lot. He feels that he cannot give up work that he loves and if he does, he will feel irritated. He say he can always earn the money by working. KH asks KHJ how he deals with when he feels like quitting due to so much work. KHJ gives him advice that his mindset has to change— to be grateful for the opportunity that we have now so that we feel energized to continue. KH liked that advice.
If there could be a KHJ holiday, when? KHJ wants it on June 7 because June 6 is his birthday and he can then have 2 days off in a row. June 6 th is a Korean Memorial Day when Korean flags are posted everywhere. He thought as a child that people put up flags for him. His name is HyunJoong to match the Memorial Day which is called Hyun Choong Day in Korea.
Here KHJ praises how well the two mc’s are…they really are very good…KHJ also seems so much more mature and KH is really a natural!!
Now the Young Street has advice corner: Listeners write in their stress and KHJ agreed to give advice according to his style.
Problem: sum: this person has pretty legs and wear short as weather is hot but too many men look at her and her legs even caused a fight bet a couple, so she is sick and tired of it. KHJ says that that person most likely does not feel sick and tired inside. She probably feel satisfied. He says that she is lying. He says that all those Korean women who thinks their legs are pretty should travel to LA in USA and walk around. He thinks that they will be shocked at lack of response.
KHJ says that Yeon also has pretty legs. He saw her group Jewelry on TV and thought all of them are tall and were sort of surpised that they are all kind of short in real life.
Two friends who live together were going to buy TV together but only the writer ended up paying for the TV. But the other roommate is now constantly watching the TV and even hogs the TV time. KHJ says that at certain time, the person can get additional programs on TV. Then, he can set up a password so that the roommate has no access to them. That roommate will eventually go crazy wanting to watch those special programs and eventually pay some money toward watching special programs on TV. Two mc’s are amazed at KHJ’s advices. When KH says that he tends to be the one in his dormitory to say he does not want raymyun but then ends up eating up everybody’s food. KHJ says that he did not experience that when he was living with his group. Everybody just cooked his own ramyun or food when he wanted to eat.
A young person makes herself very pretty and go to work but one older coworker would put her down saying that she only came to her work to get a husband. KHJ says that the writer should just ignore it and continue to be polite and show the other coworker courtesy. Eventually the pretty person will get more recognition as they get more popularity in about 5 years. KHJ says that usually those who are not pretty do not take care to look pretty. He says he is only talking about women. (somehow I don’t think KHJ will score well with this advice. Do you ???) KHJ says that pretty people are pretty because they take time to take care of themselves deligently. KHJ says that the writer should ignore the older coworker only from the inside and then try to understand no-chu-nyu or unmarried older woman.
A woman went out for 2 months and saw in the bf’s webpage pix of old gf and how happy they look together. KHJ says that she must have felt hurt. KHJ says that she should post pix of her old bf and get him to stealthily take a look at her webpage and see how he feels. Yeon asks KHJ if men keep pix of old gf because they are not over the ex.KHJ says that that is not true,,,men are just lazy. Mc asks KHJ if he had any similar experience. KHJ says that he had a gf and he called her by his ex-gf name. Because that gf would not respond at all, KHJ kept on calling her by the ex name. He saw that his gf only stared at him with utter hatred. Then he realized what he had done. Yeon also says that she experienced the same thing and so she broke up with her bf. (Hey. These days, idols talk about bf very naturally—maybe generation is changing???) KHJ says that he also realized that such an incident can lead to a break up and he also eventually experienced a break up. He also was somewhat shocked by that experience that he asked around for advice. He was told that instead of the old pix with ex, what comes out of one’s mouth could be more hurtful. Yeon says that even though she could have tried to understand her ex bf to have called her by his ex out of habit, she still could not deal with the hurt or try to forgive. KHJ also made mistake in saying things to his gf that was meant for his exgf. He would say you don’t like sushi or you don’t like meat in broth and then suddenly realize that it was his ex gf who had that taste and not the current gf. KH says that men have to be careful. Yeon says that KHJ seems to be a bad man. KHJ says that his gf then also took revenge against him and did the same thing to him and he felt very angry. So he understands that such things can be very hurtful. Men will only understand the pain once they experience it first hand…he says.
One woman wrote in that she liked a guy for one year even though he is not the handsomest or tallest. So she finally confessed but he says that she cannot like someone like him and it has been already two months . But she keeps on asking him out anyway. KHJ says that 2 things come to his mind. The guy may not really like that girl but he is just kindly rejecting her by saying that she deserves someone like WonBina and JO INSung. The second thing that comes to his mind is that the man actually does not feel he is worth it. He may be suspicious of the woman’s love for him. KH asks if KHJ was proposed to. KHJ says that in his entire life he was proposed to by a woman only once after the debut. Yeon says that if she confesses to him, he would have had two women who initiated. KH called her crazy and knows what she has done just now and Yeon immediately apologized to all the KHJ fans all over the world..(wow, celebrities live in a difficult world!!) He received a text from a female who said that she has liked him for several months and…But KHJ sent her a text back saying that he already has someone that he likes. KH says that oh, that must have been painful. KHJ says that it may be painful but in this type of situation, boundary has to be very clearly set from the start. (Woah, he is good! He could be a good businessman!) For the advice to the woman, KHJ says that he really does not know what the answer is. He says that if talking does not help, maybe she should try to Kiss Kiss. (He could have just said kiss one time but he used it twice like his song. What a subversive yet smart way to promote his album and song on the radio!! Did he study advertising psychology or is this all innate??? I think KHJ really could be an effective business man. Many people have said that KHJ is blunt, aloof, could be cold,,,I could see where those impressions can come from . He has clear boundaries and clear comfort zones and that could appear kind of cold and sharp. Somehow this radio program did not talk about or play any music like KHJ album at all.) Yeon thnks the woman maybe taken to the police for such action. KHJ says that it could also help the man to know for sure that she is serious. KHJ says that if that man feel positive about the kiss, then he will be your slave forever.
Time to end. KHJ says that he had such a good time that he wants to return and wants to come back I n October. But mc’s only have two months contract. But KHJ says that he will send lots of posts so that they can stay on as mc’s and he asks the audience to provide lots of support for two mc’s . (KHJ and many people must know that KHJ can be influential…I guess???)
They say that they are going to play KHJ’s Break Down.
Did you guys eve see this vid?
Another kind KHJ soompi told me about it.
This is a compilation of tidbits from many radio shows that KHJ participated as he promoted his album. Several have been translated on soompi already. There was one that I never heard before. It is a radio show with mc who is No HongChul who is a comedian and really wild and crazy dresser at least in the past. With No, KHJ seems to be talking about other things that other mc’s do not ask. KHJ talks about his dogs and he got a male and female so that they do not get lonely with each other. He got them because he comes home to an empty house. He talks about his two favorite tV programs. He talks about liking the farm life, labor at farm and going fishing with men on the boat as seen onTV etc.
I wonder if any of you can get that vid….to learn yet other aspects of KHJ….if possible. But no pressure.
[News] Kim Hyun Joong draws a crowd at Haneda Airport
Source: NTN via NateCredit: ramham424 @ Allkpop

Singer/Actor Kim Hyun Joong traveled to Japan for his first Japanese showcase.
On the 28th at around 2:30PM, the star received a big welcome from his fans who’ve waited for his visit since the early morning. More than 1,000 fans greeted Kim Hyun Joong, and he responded with a bright smile on his face.
The star wrapped up his promotional activities on the 24th and is holding his showcase on the 29th at Tokyo’s International Forum. He is set to perform his powerful title song “Break Down” as well as other songs in his mini album to 1,500 fans and various music industry representatives.
The attention surrounding the singer is especially hot, with fans fervently searching for a ticket to attend his showcase. The free tickets for this showcase are also reportedly being resold for up to $1000.
In addition, Kim Hyun Joong placed 1st on the Oricon chart on the international album rankings, by selling 11,000 albums and dominating various music programs and charts.
Japan Universal Music producer Imanari Kazuhiro stated about the singer, “We’re anticipating Kim Hyun Joong to be the center of K-Pop, due to the perfection of his album as well as the fact that he stood his ground among various Korean artists who are currently active in the Japanese music industry.”
The star will hold various interviews and film for numerous programs after holding his official press conference and showcase on the 29th. He will also attend ‘Japan Earthquake Charity Event’ on August 2nd and meet with about 10,000 fans.
Kim Hyun Joong confides one of his love stories — “I got dumped by one of my girlfriends when I called her the name of an ex-girlfriend”
By Moon Yeon-bae
Source: Star News (Original article in Korean)
Photo from Star News
Translated by Geum Jae /
Photo from Star News
Translated by Geum Jae /

When he appeared on the July 26 summer special episode of SBS’s radio show, Young Street, he confides, “I once got dumped by one of my girlfriends when I mistakenly called her the name of an ex-girlfriend. Her look suddenly turned frosty. That was an ‘oops moment’.”
He added, “Once, shortly after a breakup with a girlfriend, my mind and heart was still full of the memories with her, so I made a slip of the tongue by bringing up one of the memories. That’s the very reason I had to suffer another breakup.”
He also said, “She got even with me by doing similar mistakes. It made me mad. Sometimes we think women are so sensitive, but I found that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
Besides these anecdotes, he also revealed his secret stories he’s never brought up on other shows.
kim hyun joong
(News) Kim Hyun Joong Greeted by a Large Crowd at Haneda Airport

Recently Kim Hyun Joong traveled to Japan for his first Japan showcase. He arrived at Haneda Airport around 2:30 PM, where he received a warm welcome from over 1,000 fans, many of which had waited there since early morning. He responded with a bright smile on his face.
His showcase is on the 29th at Tokyo’s International Forum. He will perform songs of his new mini-album for various music industry representatives as well as 1,500 fans.
The showcase tickets were free, but some are reportedly being resold for up to $1000. Also, Kim Hyun Joong has place 1st on the Oricon chart on the international album rankings. He has definitely been doing very well.
Japan Universal Music producer Imanari Kazuhiro had this to say about KHJ, “We’re anticipating Kim Hyun Joong to be the center of K-Pop, due to the perfection of his album as well as the fact that he stood his ground among various Korean artists who are currently active in the Japanese music industry.”
He will also be doing various interviews and programs, as well as attend ‘Japan Earthquake Charity Event’ on August 2nd and meet with about 10,000 fans.
What a busy schedule for Kim Hyun Joong! And how lucky are those fans who get to see him!
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