Remember the photo I posted before of SungO of 24K and Hyun Joong? This was taken here^^
Watching the interview, I personally liked SungO.. Seems Hyun Joong is very relaxed with him even if the guy is is his Hoobae^^
Credit: cozy jj
Q. 기억에 남는 해외 팬의 선물은? (What's a gift from overseas fans that left an impression on you?)
A. 중국의 인터뷰에서 용 같은 목도리를 갖고싶다고... (I mentioned before in a Chinese interview in China that I wanted a scarf like a dragon...)
A. 진짜 100m 용 목도리를 짜서 보내준 팬! (There really was a 100m long dragon skarf that was knitted and given to me!)
And another one:
At the final part, he said,
"아 그리고 다가오는 여름엔 게릴라 데이트를...
...사이클 데이트를 할까요? 춘천까지..."
In the coming summer, a guerilla date...
...shall it be a cycling date? all the way until Chuncheon...
And this was shared via:

Watching the interview, I personally liked SungO.. Seems Hyun Joong is very relaxed with him even if the guy is is his Hoobae^^
Credit: cozy jj
A rough translation on the scarf part: Credit:
A. 중국의 인터뷰에서 용 같은 목도리를 갖고싶다고... (I mentioned before in a Chinese interview in China that I wanted a scarf like a dragon...)
A. 진짜 100m 용 목도리를 짜서 보내준 팬! (There really was a 100m long dragon skarf that was knitted and given to me!)
And another one:
At the final part, he said,
"아 그리고 다가오는 여름엔 게릴라 데이트를...
...사이클 데이트를 할까요? 춘천까지..."
In the coming summer, a guerilla date...
...shall it be a cycling date? all the way until Chuncheon...
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