screen caps from tieba, taken from CC staff’s blog
eng trans : babyvfan
(correct me if theres any mistake )
eng trans : babyvfan
(correct me if theres any mistake )

22nd July (in Japan) “after shooting in hotel, filming today will be at tokyo’s ferris wheel. Because the scenes were shoot at 37th floor, thus looked cold and sad. For this scene, hyun joong conversed in Japanese.”.

[cont, july 22 in japan] there are scenes in which he needs to speak in english and japanese. as he wants to check his pronounication, he even did some homework , no wonder its Kim Hyun Joong!

[cont, july 22,in japan] Both of his english and japanese pronounciations are very standard. not only has a career in music, but also has a good listening and pronounciation skill, very surprising. really awesome!