Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Guess Part 1 was a hit! So here's part 2!

Credit: The_Zephyr


I’ve been beating around the bush in my last analysis. Furthermore I kept talking about how they were unfamiliar with each other haha (totally different from the title of my postXD) 
Okay~ I’m going right into the topic, if not I might not finish my analysis before they get marriedXDDD
In the beginning of November, the KHJ Special 2 videos were uploaded onto the official website of Playful Kiss. Although everyone felt disappointed as the show was ending already, the release of the videos enthused many girls (including myself~ I’m insistent on thisXD). Of course there were also people who secretly felt heartbroken upon seeing these videos. After watching the BTS videos several times repeatedly (everytime I laughed crazily as KHJ is really idiotic, and JSM’s laughter is really very contagiousXD), I realized that in KHJ Special 1 videos, JSM had very little appearance (I’m not surprised), but in KHJ Special 2 videos, the two always appear together at the same time. Thus it can be seen that the two needed time to familiarize with each other gradually. 
Papa Baek once said during the FM: After the kiss in the rain, everything has changed. This could be interpreted as a change in the development of the story plot, but it seemed to have implied more of a change in the relationship between KHJ and JSM. Although KHJ has debuted five years ago, he is insistent on not conforming to the norms of the Entertainment Industry. He is an idol, but he does not carry himself as an idol. As for JSM, she has only debuted as a professional actress less than a year ago. Owing to that, the BTS videos contain more realistic elements in them than others. They are very comfortable with each other~ The way they look at each other is filled with tenderness~ The surrounding atmosphere is filled with love~

Before the shooting, JSM was holding KHJ’s and her script while whispering to KHJ. From the side of KHJ’s face, he seemed to be listening attentively to JSMXD

The PD then walked over. JSM started laughing happily upon hearing something KHJ said. The two of them seemed to be unusually high during the shooting of this scene. 

During the rehearsal, KHJ said: After turning my head and seeing Hani….ERR (shocked) <<< KHJ was really extremely close to JSM after turning his head&gkkkk

JSM did not seem to have understood KHJ’s words and maintained a smile all along. Although she seemed to be listening attentively to PD’s instructions, JSM suddenly turned her head and asked: Why would you be shocked? JSM very naturally placed her hand on KHJ’s neck as if she was about to strangle him. 

This caused KHJ to be unable to respond in time and he replied with a little stuttering hahaha. KHJ very naturally reached out his hand in the direction of JSM’s hand, but JSM’s had already retracted back her hand. Thus, we could see that their hands swiped past each other.
PD: Hello I’m still talking, can the flirting wait= =

Their conversation topic then switched and they started talking about pajamas. Amazingly, JSM could continue a 4D conversation with KHJ (which we would clearly see later). Some people would remain silent while some people would smile, but JSM really does know how to appreciate KHJ’s 4D wordsXDDD 

As the cameraman was standing at a corner and was very quiet, I realised that the two seemed to be ignorant of the fact that they were being filmed. They seemed to be conversing casually, not because of the need to find a topic and not patrionising, just conversing naturally.

After filming Hani’s horrifying sleeping position, the two seemed to be reluctant to get up from the bedXDDD
JSM kept hiding behind KHJ and laughing (from the angle of the camera)
Their laughter is like that of a married couple~~~~ 

I can’t see JSM~I can only see her handXDDDThey were still reluctant to get up from the bedXDDD

Here I kept wondering who was making fun of KHJ. It was indeed none other than JSM. As long as JSM is in the vicinity, KHJ would unknowingly turn and look in her direction. 

They always use Eunjo as an excuse. 

During the celebration party, Eunjo’s presence made no difference to their positions in the photo i.e. they are still very close to each other. 
Eunjo: Sis~Even if you’re nervous you don’t need to keep holding onto my head><
After which there were no photos that only has JSM and KHJ alone. 

However during the beginning of the shooting, when the characters were still in high school, they still took photos that only had the two of them. 
The sudden change, I….do not need to explain. 

Back to our main topic; JSM can really converse with KHJ well, regardless whether it is only jokes or nonsensical words. JSM really understands KHJ’s way of humourXDDD

Following which is the interviewing of KHJ by JSM. I feel that this interview is really amazing and a classicXDDDD 
1. JSM asked 4D questions which specially suited KHJ’s 4D character~ 

2. JSM then asked a question about another planet~ What intrigued me most was JSM was very seriousXDDD!!!!

3. Then there was a sudden change in tone and topic

4. The topic suddenly changed again, to that of the year 1907 

5. While KHJ was still spouting nonsense, JSM continued to crap further with him….

Eventually the weird but engaging conversation ended with the mention of potato buns (extremely idioticXD) 
KHJ then felt comfortable talking to JSM and started telling JSM about his family members.

Albeit I feel that KHJ’s words are really funny, it is hard to continue a conversation with him. Maybe, at most, one would just laugh it off. It is really difficult to think of anything to continue a conversation with him. KHJ probably understands this, hence he got used to it. However, for several times, JSM could continue a conversation with him without fail~ This is also why the illogical conversation could last for a length of four minutes(not to mention that the video has been edited; the actual conversation could have been longer)~During the span of the interview, other than hearing some crewmembers commenting a little, JSM laughed throughout the interview without stoppingXDDD 

From the previous interview, JSM has already realised that much of what KHJ says is usually nonsenseXDDDKHJ kept looking towards the right. Judging from JSM’s voice, JSM was indeed at the right of KHJ.

KHJ looked againXD 

I feel that during the kiss in the rain part, the cruciality was KHJ’s reply and JSM’s expression (obviouslyXD). For this part, you have to watch the video to feel it>////
JSM was also noticing KHJ’s reaction.

Although they have finished filming this scene, the two of them did not move a single inch throughout the interview amazingly~ I realised that JSM seldom rebutted upon hearing KHJ’s words. JSM certainly has the potential to be a supportive wifeXDDDD 

KHJ was facing the camera all along. However whenever JSM laughed, he could realise it very quickly~ If the cameraman were to continue asking, the two would probably >//<
At the beginning it started with >////<) 

After that, they looked at each other and smiled~

The rehearsal of this scene was the most spazz-worthy, but do they really have to rehearse so much?
The scene shown on TV is below: 

The PD shot this scene like this!!!! From far~ Thus any conversations or actions could not be seen by the audience, we could only see their backs~ So could the two please not flirt under the pretense of rehearsing for the showXDDDDD

Hands touching again~~~KHJ’s hand movements speak a lot for themselves~ Ever since JSM had gotten up from the bed, KHJ’s hand had not left JSM’s hand at all

The two laughed at Eunjo at the same timeXDDDDD Furthermore, they looked at each otherXDDDD

JSM smiled as if she was willing to follow KHJ to the ends of the worldXDDDDDDD Just that they probably would meet each other again during the FM in a few hours’ time.

I took 100+ screenshots, in the end I actually used 60+ of them~

This is not the end of my analysis~ I’m still anticipating the probably spazz-worthy BTS videos that would be posted on Youtube soonXDDDDD

To be continued… 


  1. Good analysis..great job on the observation..keep it coming..will be waiting..

  2. I really like this post Kathy. Could u pls kindly translate BTS of rain kiss scence what hyun joons talking about. PLease please thanks a lot and I am very glad to know your blog.

  3. I think JSM may be fully aware that she's just a rookie actress (maybe with only a manager to assist her) whereas KHJ is a big star with so many fussing over him (personal assistants/bodyguards/managers). So probably she knows where she stands and didn't talk much to him in the initial shooting month.

  4. the first thing to do @office hours, is reading this part...hahaha...i love this morning, kamsahamnida kathy ..,u've just brightened my morning


  5. Kamsahamnida Kathy ah , you really make my day :) so happy when seeing this analysis. from the beginning, they're still not familiar with each other and still have awkwardness. days by days, they become closer and have feelings for each otherafter filming . Hope they could keep this feeling and become the couple in real life. I always wish that, the end of this movie will be the beginning for something new in both of their life. pray for them !

  6. in my opinion KHJ and JSM do have chemistry. They also have getten close but that doesn't have to be in romantic way. Because from time to time they still feel a like awkward when they have to kiss so they make the best out of the situation. And if they do like each we just have to be happy. But let wait and see in the near futrue.

  7. ahh.. it's so nice.. i totally agree with you.. there are only few people who actually can "follow" the way KHJ's thinking.. lets mention SS501 (of course, they've been together for years, so the members were not surprised anymore about KHJ's 4 D character).. an it's so great if JSM is one of the few people..
    i also feel and think the same way as you do.. KHJ is really enjoying the PK shootings process, perhaps because of JSM?
    I've watched a video about JSM, and i think she and KHJ are 4 D people.. they can get along well..
    not sure if KHJ keeps romance feeling toward JSM, but even if KHJ considers her only as a little sister, it's already nice.. hope they will have great relationship after the filming..

  8. Yes I agree with anon 11:24. For some reason, JangkissSubs, the one who always makes video copies with Eng subtitles only chose the videos that she likes and didn't make one for all the videos, just like what she also did for the finale event. She chose to only create videos with subtitles of her favorite videos. She may have different views from us but perhaps we can ask reena29shadow, reenatriple her new youtube account or sabby25. If they are hyunminnies, than it would nice...
    THANKS to THE_ZEPHYR in SOOMPI and for reposting these here in your blog^^

  9. To help all of you understand Korean better and so also to enjoy all the videos better and make a more accurate analysis. I really now wish that I can do all the Eng subtitles for you...Perhaps we can also ask www.viikii.net to do all the subbing for the finale event and the behind the scenes videos by sending a message at the www.viikii.net or at the ytkiss channel. I was one of those who requested for the SeungJo diaries at the MBC fanpage and at KHJs official KeyEast website, perhaps tweet anybody from KeyEast and youtubekorea, it would help if a lot will make a formal request in those sites^^

  10. Hi anonymous 11.56.
    I am stalking_hj from Jangkiss sub.
    Feel sorry if you got such impression about us.
    Actually me feel no need to explain such detail thing, because this is quite internal problem, but I want to clear your impression about us, because I dont want other people, maybe kissers, or JSM fan after read your comment will think same too.

    //For some reason, JangkissSubs, the one who always makes video copies with Eng subtitles only chose the videos that she likes and didn't make one for all the videos, just like what she also did for the finale event. She chose to only create videos with subtitles of her favorite videos. She may have different views from us but perhaps we can ask reena29shadow, reenatriple her new youtube account or sabby25. If they are hyunminnies, than it would nice...//

    => There is a reason what video we can choose to sub. The factors are:
    1. The availability sub of the video. What sub is available. Can we sub direct from korean or must use chinese, because our jkorean translator not available
    2. Permission from the fancam uploader. If we can get their permission, we cant sub use their video. Example: we cant use Perfect video to sub beacuse its prohibited.
    3. Our translator availability. She is available or not to translate.
    4. We released the important/rich video content first more than anything..

    We dont choose the videos based only what we likes. We are more eager than all kissers to release the most complete and covers all Jangkiss videos. But we just a small team, with few staf active only. So we cant help to released the important thing first, and make priority list.

    If you mean about khj special 2 bts sub that until now havent completed yet. Because our korean translator havent finished yet, she is quite damn busy now. Well we decided to translated direct from korean, because we want to get the exact meaning directly. We can choose translate from chinese too, but we still give time to our kor translator to finish it first. Because direct translation from korean is the best than use chinese one. We want to release the most accurate sub version...

    We dont have any intention to just released 2 part, oh you dont know how personally I love part 4-6 from that bts. So we dont released it yet not because maybe you think we just relesed the part videos we like, maybe you think due to jealousy to JSM. Hallelujah, we even sub JSM mbc interview. So i hope you dont think us in such thing like that.

    And about the fanmeeting thingy, why those video that we choose to sub?
    1. At that time we dont have kor translator available. we just have chinese translator available. So we have to sub based on chinese sub. And for jangkiss final fanmeeting, just there is 2 version chinese sub only available, from Magic KHJ sub, and from Hyunbar sub (use miclub video). Both of them contain are same, both of them do not contain JSM and other cast interview, just contain KHJ personal interview.. The hyunbar is the more complete one than magic, thats why we choose Hyunbar version... In magic version you cant see Papa baek and eunjo interview.

  11. Hi anonymous 11.56.
    I am stalking_hj from Jangkiss sub.
    Feel sorry if you got such impression about us.
    Actually me feel no need to explain such detail thing, because this is quite internal problem, but I want to clear your impression about us, because I dont want other people, maybe kissers, or JSM fan after read your comment will think same too.

    //For some reason, JangkissSubs, the one who always makes video copies with Eng subtitles only chose the videos that she likes and didn't make one for all the videos, just like what she also did for the finale event. She chose to only create videos with subtitles of her favorite videos. She may have different views from us but perhaps we can ask reena29shadow, reenatriple her new youtube account or sabby25. If they are hyunminnies, than it would nice...//

    => There is a reason what video we can choose to sub. The factors are:
    1. The availability sub of the video. What sub is available. Can we sub direct from korean or must use chinese, because our jkorean translator not available
    2. Permission from the fancam uploader. If we can get their permission, we cant sub use their video. Example: we cant use Perfect video to sub beacuse its prohibited.
    3. Our translator availability. She is available or not to translate.
    4. We released the important/rich video content first more than anything..

    We dont choose the videos based only what we likes. We are more eager than all kissers to release the most complete and covers all Jangkiss videos. But we just a small team, with few staf active only. So we cant help to released the important thing first, and make priority list.

    If you mean about khj special 2 bts sub that until now havent completed yet. Because our korean translator havent finished yet, she is quite damn busy now. Well we decided to translated direct from korean, because we want to get the exact meaning directly. We can choose translate from chinese too, but we still give time to our kor translator to finish it first. Because direct translation from korean is the best than use chinese one. We want to release the most accurate sub version...

    We dont have any intention to just released 2 part, oh you dont know how personally I love part 4-6 from that bts. So we dont released it yet not because maybe you think we just relesed the part videos we like, maybe you think due to jealousy to JSM. Hallelujah, we even sub JSM mbc interview. So i hope you dont think us in such thing like that.

  12. And about the fanmeeting thingy, why those video that we choose to sub?
    At that time we dont have kor translator available. we just have chinese translator available. So we have to sub based on chinese sub. And for jangkiss final fanmeeting, just there is 2 version chinese sub only available, from Magic KHJ sub, and from Hyunbar sub (use miclub video). Both of them contain are same, both of them do not contain JSM and other cast interview, just contain KHJ personal interview.. The hyunbar is the more complete one than magic, thats why we choose Hyunbar version... In magic version you cant see Papa baek and eunjo interview.

    Personally i have a task to watch all videos, so i can select what is the best video can we use to sub.
    After i have watched almost 80 fancams videos about fanmeeting, i just found 1 only fancam that covers all fanmeeting section interview, including JSM and other cast interview. The fancam still focus on KHJ, but it kinda from so far away so you can see all the cast talking. The video is not that great either from the quality. We want to sub use that video consider it covers everything, but sadly must translate from korean. We dont have korean translator available at that time.

    We want to sub use Perfect video, well its quite complete, because even just see KHJ only. at least still can hear all other cast talking, including JSM. But we cant sub use Perfect video. Why? Because Perfect prohibited their video to be reupload and to be subbed. They dont mind if you give translation based on their video, but they prohibited you use their video to sub. Well we have to obey and respect that. Even hyunbar chinese sub version must ask permission from KHJ fanclub miclub, to use their fancam video to sub.. Which lucky they dont mind, and give permission for some videos. Thats why we can use KHJ miclub video, because we get permission to sub use their video.

    I just want to let you know there is many factor we have to pay attention before released sub video. Even to choose the best video to sub, we have to consider many things, like what version of translation available, chinese or can translate from korea... If we can translate from korean evrytime we want, its easy we can choose whatever video we have.. but if we cant, we have to really depend on what video is chinese sub used.. We have to consider the quality of video.. Have to consider we get permission from the fancam uploader to sub or not.. And so on...

    I hope after this, you dont get wrong impression about our team subbing.. ^^
    Really our team subbing want to do our best and always do our best to release sub.. But we have so many limitation to consider..
    Hope you can think about it..

    Well thx so much..


    PS: kathy, sorry i have to comment to give some clarification, i dont want there is a wrong image spreading about our team subbing spesifically and about KHJ fans generally.. ^^

    Jangkiss team subbing really love PK so much, LOVE KHJ so much, respect JSM and all PK cast. If you found we dont sub maybe some cast part interview, there is a valid reason about it... Guarantee, no bias

  13. Jangkiss subbing team, i appreciate all of your hardwork and effort. Keep it up! We all have one objective and goal...SUPPORT KHJ all the way and we all LOVE him! Thank you!

  14. can someone tell me where i can download or watch all the BTS chinese subs? Thanks!!!

  15. Stalking,

    Dont worry...I wanna say sorry too...

  16. HyunMin shippers,

    Dont get frustrated with the BTS videos not getting subbed. There is a reason why some of it are not subbed. Most esp PERFECT's videos. Jangkiss subs arent KHJ subbing team only but as you can see they sub JSM's video too. So yeah...

    Let's just wait ok...? Let's be thankful for JangKiss subs...^^


  17. Jangkiss Subs, I've been following you on youtube for quite sometime and I've got to take my hat off to you guys, you are doing an excellent job. We all have lives outside of the net and we understand the delay. It's completely fine and we appreciate your hard work, we don't let people misunderstand, don't worry. And thank you very much for subbing Jung So Min's interview, her fans appreciate it!
    Best of luck!

  18. We thank stalking_hj for replying for any misunderstanding brought here maybe clearer now. As a youtube addict, I always look forward to Jangkisssubs videos all the time. This is not to disregard the efforts of the JangKisssubs group but I guess anon 11:56 thoughts were brought about by that other couple fan who keeps coming here. I can disregard and forgive her for that, there are always misinterpretations but that other couple fan I find hard to ignore...Stalking_hj, I hope you can forgive her too^^ Everybody's getting affected because we all love KimHyunJoong, JungSoMin and Playful Kiss^^ Let us enjoy the remaining episode...gosh I can feel withdrawal problems. I started doing it by avoiding opening blogs and facebook less and avoiding reading these comments but seems inevitable^^ agnes

  19. Hi stalking_hj
    Thanks to you and your team for great work done with the subbing. To be honest, I am just happy that there is any sub AT ALL. It's good to be able to understand everything, but in my position, i.e not understanding the language, any little crumbs thrown my way is greatly appreciated.

    So thanks to your team, to the wonderful folks at Viikii, HaruHaru and all the other subbing teams that individuals who have given up their precious time translating to English. Sorry, I am still relatively new to K-drama so do not know all the subteams/individuals so have not named you all. But you know who you are, and to you, my deepest gratitude. A bow of respect to you all.

  20. 3:51 PM. I think you need to get out of PK. You're so addicted that you cannot judge between real & acting. The drama ended & the actors moved on to the another chapters. I support our leader instead of kissing a girl constantly. His good image becomes downgraded due to that.

  21. thanks a lot...proud of KHJ so much

  22. Anon 4:45 AM,

    I dont think you see it. But I believe Hyun Joong's career wasnt downgraded with Playful Kiss but he just rose to more superstardom status.

    I dont wanna sound mean but that is my point.

  23. Hello this is my first time here but yah! I agree w/ kathy how can a kiss affect the career of a 24 yrs old full grown up man. Are we in a real world or not? come on people for a 24 yrs old man a kiss is just but normal. (much much normal) I would be turned off if a guy like him never KISS a girl. ( I might think he is a gay ) People thinking that KHJ is their boyfriend or rather their OWN is an abnormality. We as fans are here only to support them, admire them, but not to the extent that we have to fantasize them.

  24. a quick question - no analysis of the massage session which saw JSM massaging KHJ?

  25. We (fans)are here to support KHJ whoever he with as partner,it's OK.
