Tuesday, November 16, 2010

[Article] Hyun Joong Praised by Composer of 'Sunrise from the East'

Source: http://gzdaily.dayoo.com/html/2010-11/16/content_1187329.htm
Reported by Guangzhou Daily Reporter: Sulei
Chinese to English translation: Blanca
【Career】 Efforts to learn Chinese for the Asian Games
Why is Kim Hyun Joong standing on the stage of the Asian Games opening ceremony. With this question, the reporter interviewed the music director of the Guangzhou Asian Games opening and closing ceremonies Li Haiying (Who’s also the composer of the song “Sunrise from the East”). “Using a South Korean singer is determined by the directors group meeting, 3 months ago. we provided several candidates to the production team, and they contacted them.” Li Haiying said, “Several said they have full schedule already, and Kim Hyun Joong replied with availability. I heard his songs immediately, and think he fits.” Li Haiying told the reporter he composed the song “Sunrise from the East” specifically for the opening ceremony, five singers symbolizing the five Olympic rings. ” Besides Wei Wei, who is the singer of last Beijing Asian Games theme song, they were looking for younger singers for the performance. Kim Hyun Joong is very handsome, and his sound condition is also very good.” Li Haiying said that he even gossiped about this South Korean young man’s age – 25 years old. “He sings with heavy R & B feels, and likes to play with his own style. There are a number of high tones, and the female-like vocal registers in the live performance, actually sung by him.” Li Haiying told the reporter, before going to Guangzhou, Kim Hyun Joong had made a rehearsal once in his Beijin’s studio. When the reporter said Kim Hyun Joong’s Mandarin pronunciation was really a surprise, Li Haiying laughed:” Yes, I praised him in the rehearsal, said, sounded like Hong Kong singers singing the Mandarin song, everyone there just laughed. “
During the interview, Li Haiying said with emotion, South Korean artist is very professional. Not only arrived on time, but also very well prepared. “Kim Hyun Joong’s company hired a professional Chinese translation, divided each word into consonants and vowels and taught him word by word.”
(Other part omitted, which is talking about his resume)


  1. i cant help feeling a bit 'saddddddddd' when the music direcotr said HJ dear is not the only singer they contacted. I had hoep they chose him as first choice! Oh, well! He finally got on that stage and sung perfectly. That's what matters! HJL, fighting!

  2. what is the meaning of whistle register? I dont undersand.

  3. For someone who knows how to speak Mandarin...I can really say that Joongie's pronunciation of the language is almost perfect...Very professional...that's how I will describe my Joongie...=)

  4. Sooo proud of our HJ. He's the best choice! I love his voice for long... Love him much more.
    All the best to HJ. Be healthy always!

  5. Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article.
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  6. this is called a FATE, through this, he is much more recognized domestically and internationally like the song he sings "sunshine again" at Guangzhou.

