Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jung So Min's Cyworld Photo Updates

Aigoo! These two are adorable! Just as Hyun Joong grew fondness of this boy, So Min too!

According to soompi, seems like our Eun Jo was the one who went to So Min's apartment..Hmm....

I dont want to think too much anymore..I think Im getting obsessed..hehe...


  1. Okay Kathy, you can not just leave us hanging with that last comment. Do you mean someone else is also visiting? Possibly a diversion?

  2. @anonymous 7:54am

    let's do some serious thinking for a moment. drop our biased HyunMin shipper minds for just a bit and answer this question: does visiting a 22-yrs old young lady a top priority for a 9-yr old boy? if your answer gives you a big smile on your face, then ..... your guess is as good as mine.

  3. eh, that means that her twitter account is not fake!!! the photo on pepero day is really posted by HER!!! something is going on between those 2..^^

  4. i can't remember which photo was posted on pepero day...:S

  5. i can smell something fishy here hahaha :"> was our HyunJoong oppa with them in that day ??? so excited when thinking about it !!! HyunMin couple Jjang!!!

  6. Those are two shadows. One is So Min and the other one is not Eunjo (I think). Hmmm.

  7. Just thinking about it gets me excited, haha. Such a shipper.
    Guys, let's stay grounded ;) That's what is so great about our ship, that we are realistic. Though such an assumption isn't far fetched, haha.

  8. Looking at the shadows also accidentally taken at Choi Won Hong's picture, it must be a chaperone of the kid hahaha just teasing you girls...well, if indeed they met then it is nice that they are really close, still enjoying their company, they must miss each other after working for four months, enjoying too together the fruits of their perseverance and hardwork^^ Who took JungSoMins picture with ChoiWonHong, it must be the chaperone or mother of ChoiWonHong, hahaha we need to be cautious to protect to our favorite couple from media or antis or protect ourselves that we may get disappointed in the end but it is nice to make an account of it^^

  9. So CUTE!!

    anyways, just breezing by to say that steamy scene or not, i love PK all the same... the steamy scenes are just cherry on the cake.. i could just watch those two staring at each other and doing nothing for hours all the same.. XD

  10. Wait, apartment? Jung So Min lives away from home in her own apartment? Didn't know that.

  11. reading all the comments here are more thoughts came up on my mind now hmmmm..aside of eunjo's mother or mgr who else the chaperone?? ooops! i decided to not go on with my weird imaginations maybe antis will take a revenge if i will jot down one by one here. _P.


  12. annyong haseyo. ! i really really love korean drama.. because they are really great in making love stories .. haha .. ((: lmaoooooooooo..
