Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hyun Joong to attend university next year?

OMO!!!I am sooo happy and proud of you! From the looks of it, looks like it is true!!!!

10/24 [news] Kim HyunJoong attending ChungWoon University Next Year?Credits : Fan cafe Kim HyunJoong Eternity (http://cafe.naver.com/khjeternity/4526) + SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com

Please repost with full credits 

Kim HyunJoong will be attending ChungWoon University at HongSung next year..
He will be attending the college of Broadcasting & Arts..

Taken from http://twitter.com/oiwizi/status/28375317735

@oiwizi DaeBak. I'm not gonna graduate...I'm going back to school!! It is Professor Park doing it!! RT @Nus_Johc: Kim HyunJoong meeting at concert hall http://twitpic.com/2zonne Heard Kim HyunJoong will be joining our faculty next year? keke So he's my junior??

University website : http://english.chungwoon.ac.kr/


  1. maybe all that studying for his lines as genius BSJ..inspired him to go back & finish his college degree!!! JJANG!!!
    noona D

  2. I really salute our idol. he is so swamp with offers to do CFs, singing, acting and now going back to school?! I hope he gets enough rest and not stress himself out. Good luck and fighting!!!!

  3. I dont know why..But I am really feeling that he is soooooooo INSPIRED nowadays!!!kekekkee

  4. what's this, to impress girl's parents? haha...what's wrong with our leader right now? he's totally changed after PK. i look at him very happy these days and now goin to school again?can't believe of his determination. Oh leader i'm very happy for you. i will be thankful whosoever makes you happy and comes up a decision like this. i know you can do it!!!....chinmae

  5. Which girl's parents? hahaha I understand that Leader wanted to study even before but you are right, Leader really has become so determined to do this. I wonder who took these pictures. I really, really want to know the reason behind all this, an accurate account kekeke This sudden determination and inspiration to go through this kekeke agnes

  6. Let us try writing to Leader about it at the Korean website. Then let us see what happens next ^_^

  7. anoni 11:09 hehe what i mean is jsm's parents. i've read an article somewhere that his father is the major stockholder in one of the biggest company in korea and her parents are stricts since they had only 2 kids, jsm and his younger brother...by the way, i'm only guessing here for what i said "impress girl's parents" hehe..you can't blame me for being a fangirling attitude of hyunmin couple :D

  8. He's amazing:) he's got it all going good for him, but he still want's to finish his college degree... maybe i should transfer there for my college.. though my korean classmates are discouraging me.. they say it's not a good idea to study there.. what can you say, Miss Katy, and all other girls who post comments here? i want to consider options. of course, I will always consider KHJ in all my options:D:)
