Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cant Get Enough Of Jung So Min aka Oh Ha Ni

Ok..So some of my friends are teasing me already that I love Jung So Min soo much already(Unnie Ripsie, are you there?kekeke) but I can't just help but notice her a lot! I mean, she's not drop dead gorgeous right? But she is pretty and lovable! That is why you can't blame for liking her with our dear Hyun Joong.. And I know most of you here do right? If you agree, COMMENT!!hahaha

I think I have said it on my last post, that I love Yoon Eun Hye soo much with leader. But I dont know why..When I looked at the Basic House Photos, I imagine Jung So Min in it...If there are YEH fans here, forgive me...kekekeke..Of course YEH is prettier...It's just..OMG! IS this blog turning into a JUNG SO MIN blog??kekekeke

And when I see her with Hyun Joong, its just...WOW...Leader is soo happy.shy..comfortable..And forgive me if you dont agree with me, but I just sort of had this thought in my mind. Could it be that So Min somehow was the one who motivated Hyun Joong to enter school? Coz So Min entered school too..Well Im not saying she's the sole reason for it..Coz I know Hyun Joong had been saying that after doing PK, he realized that there are many things he doesnt know..So he wanted to improve himself...

OMG! Will PERFECTS scold me for this??Sorry! kekeke

Well, here are some photos of her!


  1. hahaha JSM is really so pretty, I love her here...I don't mind if this blog will turn in a Leader and JSM blog...she is very nice to ignore and whatever we can sense in the happiness of Leader these past few days, I hope it is indeed what we think...I feel so giddy again after reading your comments and the messages you sent earlier ^_^ agnes

  2. keke so youre turning into one of us! the hyun joong so min shippers! keke i think hyun joong feels the same way cause if you watched the finale fanmeet of PK i think he said that so min is really cute and looked like he really wanted to talk about their kissing scenes and what he felt but the fans were having violent reactions. keke well who can resist so min's cuteness!

  3. I apologize too for those who think otherwise but please allow me just to elevate this topic a little further hahaha Although we know earlier that Leader was really interested to go back to university someday. I remember I read that Leader was even thinking of studying in the US, its possible that JSM could have pushed Leader further to pursue his interest to study(like HaNi encouraged SeungJo to become a doctor hehehe)I mean maybe there was some conversation in their shooting/filming since they have a lot of scenes together thus made Leader realize a lot of things(hahaha) or maybe indirectly inspiring Leader because looking at her talent alone can motivate others too since she studied acting and at this early in JSM's career is already recognized and her endorsements are also increasing. JSM is also very pretty, JSM has this cuteness and innocence yet she can also be alluring and sexy, attractive but simple, elegant but also down to earth...just like our Leader!!! Did you notice that Leader? That is why it is difficult to just ignore this girl ^_^

  4. Hey Anonymous2, did you watch it live? ^_^

  5. Agnes,

    Hello there!! I cant contain my giddiness to after seeing the party photos!!It's like WOW!! Hyun Joong ah!!You look soooo good with HER!!!MY GOSH!!!!


    HEHEHEHE!!I really really love them together!!!It's just this feeling I never expected to have....I never expected to say this!kekeke

  6. LOL... i don't mind if it turns into a hyun joong so min blog at all!! I LOVE LOVE lOVE LOVE LOVE her so so so so much it's crazy...
    you're not alone there girl... she has such an endearing quality about her but still staying classy at the same time... and most of all, she looks so good with leader and leader looks really comfortable and bright with her...
    lik you, when i see the basic house, i just KEEP imagining so min with him.. i love YEH as well but JSM went straight to my heart and i bet camping there for a long while...
    since so min dance so well, i want her and leader to do ballroom dancing together... haha.

  7. oh.. btw, that was suhyun

  8. Su Hyun,

    That would be AWESOME!!!Seeing them dance together???!!!!AHHH!!My heart is beating fast again!!!!


    That was a long comment and I LOVEEEE IT!!!!!!You just made me fall in love with them again!!!!


  9. i love JSM...she's pretty and cute...hope to see her in other project

  10. hey kathy! thank you for your dedication to keep things so up-to-date with khj. i've been lurking in your blog for quite sometime now and i've enjoyed your posts. i admit, i wasn't a khj fan before. i didn't like him in bof (though i already noticed then that he has a drop dead gorgeous, megawatt smile..lol!), but that's another long story..lol! now, on the topic, i also like yeh, i find her pretty and classy. i don't know if i like her with leader but i can honestly say that i love him with so min. from episodes of pk, to the NGs, to the bts, i just love watching them react and interact..( a little obssessed, maybe?)
    oops.. i think i have to stop here..else, this will become a fan fiction..lol!
    keep it up, kathy!

  11. hello kathy, i'm back after my appendicitis operation and i'm very glad and love you girl for posting my So Min here. forgive me but i love this girl first before i recognized leader hehe but now, i'm crazy bout this two! and of course i love hyunjoong more yay! can't explain my feelings towards him.

    For me, looking this girl is more likely similar to Catherine Zeta Jones. no one can compares to her innocent and natural beauty. i love her for being so simple, pretty, elegant and down to earth (knowing her background status in life). i'm happy if hj and her becomes real haha


  12. btw, jung so min is a dead-ringer for yoon eun hye..they could play sisters

  13. Vinz,

    Thank you for finally being here to comment!!!!

    Thank you for loving my blog!!!And thank you for loving my posts..kekeke..Sometimes, I actually feel shy posting those feelings I had..hahaha..But oh well..I hope this blog makes it different..kekeke...

    Its ok if youre not a fan of KHJ before..What matters is you are now!!RIGHT?kkekeee!!!

    AND I SAID IT BEFORE, I will always say it, I LOVEEEEE THEM TOGETHER!!!!!!!


  14. yup, kathy! i am now a convert! haha!! i wanted to go to korea before just for a vacation, now it has increased 10x! coz i want to go there to stalk khj!! hahaha!!! i want to hug him when i see him..hahaha!! kathy, you played a big part in this addiction! lol!

  15. Rizza,

    OMO!!!How were you? That is why I haven't been hearing you lately!!!Are you ok now??

    OMG!!!We are all being converted to So Min's fans here??!!kekekeke


    I wanna go there too!Need to have money first!kkekee.I cant save with all the merch coming!!!Did I play a big part in your addiction?>hahaha!!How?Well,Im happy I somehow helped!!!Coz I am happy when many love my Hyunnie!!


  16. I was just watching the news, then when I checked again here, there are already so many comments of confirmed KHJ JSM fans. kekeke It is always nice to hear from supernova hyunnie, now vinz, and some anonymous fans. Hi rizza, it is good to hear that your operation was successful, some do get complicated. I always remember that you heard of KHJ after JSM, your story is unique. Yes, Kathy, this is also what happens from watching the drama and the clips over and over again. kekeke I also wanted to learn more about JSM before I send a comment so that I believe I wrote those also because of her personality. I really love reading all your comments and seeing KHJ JSM together!!! ^_^ agnes

  17. Oh goody! there are many HJ and SM believers here also! haha I really love the both of them. especially HJ's reactions to SM. I have never seen him so at ease with any GIRL unlike when he is with SM. in WGM he still was a bit holding back a little with his personality but now as we see in fancams from drama filming he is definitely aggressive and comfortable although a little shy when teased especially during the fancam of the rain kiss scene they were teased by the PD that's why they often laugh to maybe ease off the awkwardness. haha the way he looks at SM and the way he jokes around with her during the fancam of perfect in the forest filming the sleep kissing scene, i can really see the difference. o well i can go on and on, but anyhow bottomline is i really love them both!

  18. Hello, to the last anonymous comment, I have not seen all of WGM, just keep on it coming...I watched only WGM upto episode 22 I think that beach scene, there are so many...kekeke I think Leader likes JSM, right? Leader is very comfortable and was able to adjust to JSM right away...^_^

  19. OMG!!20 comments and its So Min on the post?HAHAHAHA!!

    Indeed we are all Minjoong couple lovers here!!!!

    I was reluctant at first to post this but posted it anyway!!hahaha!!!

    I guess the magic of MinJoong is strong because we can see some great evidence..Even on HJ himself...!!!!It's just...He was always smiling...He wasnt like that with Go Hye Sun..I mean...They didnt have such chemistry at the first place..kekeke...

    She just looks really really really great with HYUN JOONG!!!!!!!WAHHH!!!I am sooo giddy!!!!

  20. Annyeong~ Regarding the annonymous fancam comment i also noticed it! the way he was "rushing" to film the kiss scene haha! he just tossed his jacket so he can film it at once haha! and before that when talking with so min before the take he was really laughing and smiling pretty silly like a boy in front of his crush!omo!

  21. i really love MinJoong couple lovers. They look cute together!!
    Seeing Hyun Joong oppa with her , i saw his happiness...he smile a lot.
    They really like each other right? hope to see them in real life!!! love them and MK so damn much :x

  22. wah I can see many MinJoong shippers here...i noticed at official PK channel also many MinJoong shippers are coming out...:)...hope to see more MinJoong project together...but to see them being a real life couple is pretty slim :(...so i'd be just happy to see them working together again...:)

  23. yay! hahaha keep it coming...There were a lot of instances that we saw Leader laugh and always smile. I remember that KHJ perfect video after their funny scene sleeping together in SeungJos unit, Leader was always laughing talking to the noonas. But most of all that last kissing scene in the car. That was really the best BTS video of all. Just look at expression of happiness, shyness but giddiness in Leader after they did that kissing scene kekeke...Please stop me, I may go on and on kekeke

  24. Hi Kathy, I've been here for quite a while, really appreciate your effort to bring us all this lovely info...
    I won't say I'm a fan of KHJ or JSM yet, but really like this two... I start to watch pk after I saw their promotion poster (almost kiss one), they just look soooooooo right together... which convience me to watch pk...and so far, more than I expected... it's really great...
    am I a shipper of this two? as long as they are happy, I will be more happier than them...

  25. OMG where can i find this anonymous fancam, the one with KHJ rushing to a kissing scene and laughing and smiling whith JSM ???????? i can't find it anywhere!!! HELP, HELP

    Is safe to say i love the together!!! XD

  26. I get excited each time I read fangirling for KHJ and JSM - exactly how I am for Jihun and Eun Hye and exactly the same with thousands of their other followers. Interestingly, KHJ got my many fans excited in PK because the lead actress is one younger, pretty and talented lady. Other friends insist he was interested in his partner in WGM but I tell them no, he is just one nice young man to his Noona. And JSM is not a noona, hence the strong chemistry is there. KHJ inspite of his looks and fame and talent strikes me as really shy and yes, there may have been private conversations between him and JSM that we may never know. And PD Hwang is one naughty director too (he also teased Jihun and Eun Hye while filming Goong telling them to date for real!) and I guess being a good director, he must have felt something electric between the two. Though I think this PK couple may not be paired again soon, I hope that in the future another good drama comes their way. They look good together and no one can ever deny this.
    Kathy you always bring sunshine to us thru your blog. I will say again, keep on writing girl and keep on making me and many others happy! Tarits Unnie

  27. OMO Hyunnies, or should I say MINJOONG Shippers!!!!

    I wannna shout right now!!!!!I feel soooo GIDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seeing all your comments make me want to jump in delight!!!I dont know what to say!!!!!

    What should I say?!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!I really hope they'll be together?!!!!HAHAHA!Have I said that?HAHAHAHAHAHA


  28. This is my favorite BTS of Playful Kiss for EP 16, you agree right?
    There is a comment that JSM is the only girl Leader kissed a lot, yah indeed, JSM is a lucky girl. ^_^

  29. OMO!!!I just shouted seeing that fancam again!!!!


  30. Hello kathy and agnes, thank you! i'm fine after the scary operation. For now, i'm on leave from work and taking a lot of medicines hehe.

    Seriously, when i'm at the hospital, I always thinking about all hj's polls and my two sisters told me to relax & forget the polls coz they're trying to help to vote hj, ss501 & pk but they didn't told me the results on it especially we're lost in PK's poll, silly sisters haha.

    while on leave, i watch ep15 & ep16 and OMG! hyunjoong shi is a hotttt kisser and their bed scene i'm speechlessss!! how many times i re-watch this scene to satisfy my fangirling behaviour weeh...

    Kathy thank you so much for jung so min's updates here, I really appreciate it girl you're the best!!

    To all khj and jsm fans! Don't forget to visit all leader's polls and of course PK everyday.
    Xie Xie guys^^^


  31. Yes, we need a lot of help in the PK polls? both parallel and the monthly PK yahoo poll...oh rizza you are really a true KHJ fan, you can still think of Leader even during and after your operation. When I am going around the malls, a lot of things remind me of Leader and Playful Kiss too. I forgot rizza, where are you from? agnes

  32. We are NO. 4 for the Yahoo Playful Kiss monthly poll
    For the Playful Kiss parallel poll, the other drama went pass PK...unbelievable...PLEASE HELP EVERYONE!

  33. Hi anonymous fan, who mentioned about Leader leaving his jacket and rushing to kiss JSM...yes Sandrita, I am also looking for that video, it is usually KHJ perfect fan club who sends BTS videos and sometimes sarah. But I can only recall those from KHJ perfect fan club and sarahs ^_^

  34. 33 Comments Already!!Amazing MinJoong lovers here!!!

    For the PK polls, Im sorry.I really didnt have any chance of voting anymore as the hype on that kiss really got many fans abusing the replaying button instead of the vote button!hehehe

    WHere was that fancam?!!!!!Can anyone give me the link???!!!!I AM DYING TO SEE!!!


  35. i'm one of MinJoong lovers too..count me in..

  36. silly kathy and fans no time for voting but many spare times to re-watch the kissing scene haha that's why sometimes i feel alone voting in silent mode heee

    hello agnes, i'm came from Cagayan De Oro Phils but i'm currently working here in Singapore.


  37. Minjoong for me too! Gotta love somin and hyunjoong!

  38. Rizza,

    hehehe!!!sorry!!!Dont worry! I will remind everyone about it on my next post!!!!!



  39. have u guys read this...what's with the title?...why the reporter say such thing...just becoz he n YEH work very well together I don't think they need to highlight who he prefers...it's their 3rd time working together...just that i don't like the title..am I being emotional here?

    [News] Kim Hyun-joong prefers Yoon Eun-hye over Jeong So-min? They showed a perfect harmony in the photo shooting

  40. Hello Anonymous,

    Honestly though, I have seen that news too.But I did not post it here anymore..HAHA! Coz I felt bad too!!I mean cmon! That shoot happened months before he shot Playful Kiss! And YEH and KHJ were so awkward at the beginning!!


  41. I agree with you (Kathy) that JSM is not drop dead gorgeous but she's pretty and lovable, can't resist. I can't explain why I like her & KHJ so much after watching PK, just felt in love with this couple instantly; they're such a perfect match made from heaven... hahaha
    YEH and KHJ photo shoots are ok but I prefer JSM with KHJ better... don't get me wrong, I also like YEH too. This is off topic a little bit, have you seen the X-Man show before? YEH always rejected KHJ when he asked her during the couple game... it's a fun show to watch if you haven't.

  42. Toatally luving this couple..I hope they have more project together in the near future..heck next year will be nice..but it's most likely not to see the same couple star together in another drama in Korea..

  43. Hi Anonymous (October 28, 2010 12:54 PM )
    about the X-Man...i think that time YEH had an eye on Kim Jong Kook...she had a crush on him right?

  44. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtRlXCQuezo

    I think anonymous was talking about this fancam. at the middle of the fancam you can see JSM's back in white sweater while HJ is talking/joking around with her and may i say he really looks at her differently. then afterwards it looked like he's really eager to shoot the scenes shrugs off his jacket quickly and you can see he was running to a bench. and ofcourse we know who's sitting there. haha Minjoong lovers! Fighting!

  45. i think they were recording for BTS clip...saw a cameraman there...he was talking to the camera

  46. Hi nnn!
    Yes, that's right - YEH paired up with KJK most of the time during the couple game. I don't recall seeing YEH paired up with KHJ.

  47. Count me in as one of Minjoong shippers. I just fell in love with this young lady JSM, she's pretty with a good sense of fashion. Honestly, I love her more than KHJ but I love them as onscreen couple and hopefully offscreen. After PK, I am really looking forward for her next project.

  48. jung so min and kim hyun joong are perfect together, they have that chemistry, wish they will be together again in another drama/show.

  49. I miss them so much. I wonder if they miss each other?

  50. hey, i love all ur songs in your mixpods..
    but vecause the title is in korean word, i cant identify the song to download..can you help me?

  51. Hello shih ning,

    what songs do you want to know?^^

  52. love the minjoong couple and so min looks really pretty...

  53. I remember someone told me about Hyun Joong proudly praising So Min top student status while they were shooting the playful kiss youtube episode 4.... so maybe he really got inspiration from her talents
