Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hyunnies, Where are You???

Hyunnies, why are you so silent tonight???

We need to vote in Yahoo Kids eagerly!!!We are soooo behind again!We barely moved after we had the advantage last night!!!


Here are the steps again how to vote: CLICK HERE

Cmon Hyunnies!!!

New Rules Though:

If you want to leave a message, you have to click the vote button first.
Second, if you will leave a message, it has to be a message of support. Not some random chatting.
Third, if you will leave a message, include your country as that will be plus 30 points. Sample: We love you Hyun Joong from Seoul!!!



  1. Where does it say about the city?
    There is a rule beside the Girl Cartoon which is above the message board which says in English "Input +15 points (Papers, profanity -30 points)" Before it was Bombard instead of Papers. Yahoo changed the words. What does Papers mean?
    I hope fans follow the rules by clicking on the VOTING ORANGE button because we are losing so many points there...
    Then leave a positive comment...
    It is important to keep on repeating this...
    the FIRST step is to always click on the VOTING (ORANGE) button, I mean all polls only have a VOTING button, the messages and photos are just add-ons which is unique in the Yahoo parallel polls...
    We need to spread this all over blogspots, FB pages and youtube too, etc...
    Well KIM HYUN JOONG & PLAYFUL may only be the winner!!! Let us keep our hands busy!!!*_*

  2. Anonymous,

    I actually dont understand what PAPERS mean..

    Dont worry..I am constantly reminding my friends to vote. We need to work harder!!!
