Monday, November 22, 2010

Message of Hyun Joong for Sports Khan

My gosh..Can I not go to work today??!!! 

News are coming and coming!! My gosh!


Just to complete [though the article is just an extract] this post. Let me share with you extract of from the interviewby Sports Khan to Hyun Joong and the photos they've released on their portal.

I just want to be a half of Bae Yong Joon.
Sports Khan: 2010, 11/22, 09:00:00
Korean to English translation by Suehan / Suehan's BYJ Blog

Bae Yong Joon greatly influenced me to change my agent. People call me “Post Bae Yong Joon”. I like to hear that. I have to be similar to him, so I can be better than him. I wish I could be just half of him. I think I’m about 25% of him. Anyway, I think I look like him too.

A while ago when I visited China, a fan asked him if I was Bae Yong Joon. She requested my autograph but I refused. She insisted by saying that I was Bae Yong Joon and told me not to lie. I couldn’t take off my sunglasses and I felt pressured. Would it be strange to say,“I’m not Bae Yong Joon, I’m Kim Hyun Joon.”? I didn’t end up giving her my authograph; it bothers me to know that I may have discouraged one of Bae Yong Joon’s fans. I didn’t tell Bae Yong Joon about this story. (smile)

And here are the photos...


  1. he used to wear that ring now a days..i love everything about leader. so perfect for me!

  2. is it the pk's ring? seems like it's the same hehe
    hyunjoong why you are so very handsome, faint:D

