Wednesday, October 13, 2010

[Fancam] Jung So Min and Kim Hyun Joong Filming the Rain Kiss!!!

Been waiting for this!!!!WAHHH!!!!

The video takes to load but bear with it, ok?

They seem to be practicing for their major KISS.Seeing the laugh HARD together just made me JUMP in happiness!!!

Go Here if you can't view the video:

Different from the first one but still CUTE..


  1. There are two versions of these videos. I think the first one is more interesting because they have more laughing moments as they practiced the scenes before they let the rain out. There was one moment that leader was extending his hand before he touched his ears. It looked Leader wanted to touch SoMins hair but hesitated hehehe But the second video is clearer. There are still laughing moments. They are more comfortable with each other. That is why they can do their best in the scenes especially this kind of scenes. http://tvpot.daum.net/clip/ClipView.do?clipid=27498428&q=&lu=v_relatedclip_relation_01&ref=&cateid=&relateid=27504160&relatepage=

  2. Was it Sarah who stayed late until 4am watching the making of this kiss in the rain scene?

  3. I think Sarah is the one who stayed there...

    Thank you for the link!!!!

    I got giddy again!
