Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No to Long Previews?

I dont know if you all remember that I was kinda frustrated and very keen on the idea of Long Preview being illegal cause I dont think that MBC would release such long previews to spoil the show.

Apparently, it is indeed, illegal. According to Lynne, the previews are owned by a Hyun Joong fandom and they dont allow it to be distributed but still,some do.

If you ask me, I wouldn't tolerate this attitude. Episode 1 was boring because we all knew what is going to happen right? Even the "Exhibitionist" scene in Episode 2 wasn't quite enjoyable anymore because we knew what will happen next.

But, I dont know with all of you, cause we have different opinions right? I dont tolerate them. But of course, if you like to watch, I post it here.

I want to know what you think...Drop by your comments so I would know...




  1. Most bloggers and FB administrators get from either you or Liezle, perhaps you can avoid posting to stop the spreading the long previews...You have a heart, love yah for that hehe but it is best to avoid posting *_*

  2. agree! avoid posting for the sake of the drama's rating^^ it's enough to watch the 3mins teaser

  3. Hello there!!

    Thank you!!!

    I dont want to post but I keep thinking of others so I still do...kekeke

  4. huwag na sabi ehehe
