Monday, September 6, 2010

Episode 4 Long Preview

Saw this post on Ms. Liezle.Told you, I haven't watched the Episode 3 Preview so far. So I wouldn't click on this URL too...But if you want to...Then I'll give you the link:

Click HERE

I dont know why but I am having a feeling that these previews aren't official. I think this is all leaked. Cause I will never believe MBC would do such a thing to spoil so much of the show. And I realized that all of the spoilers are coming from a same source and not MBC. If I were you, I wouldn't tolerate so much of these videos. They are spoiling everything...

Screencaps...I dont know with you but I am getting green over these photos!!!NO NO NO!!!


  1. Kathy,
    Read that MBC sells long previews for something like 500 won and not meant to be reupload.
    Anyway me will also be following in your lead in not watching the long previews.
    The preview for episode 3 is alright I think, meaning not very much is revealed unlike episode 1 & 2. Did not pay very much attention to it.

    By the way, MBC's feud with the union has been finally resolved. Thank God! Please Angels watch over KHJ.

    Another site to vote - for MK.
    Vote under the green section . Click the orange box in the green section above the MK Casts.
    Vote every 10 seconds.


  2. Thank you Lynne for all these info!!!I am blogging it for others to know!!!
