Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong Cute in Hat and Some Tidbits at Fukouka Tokyo Tour

Afternoon session just ended, and hyun joong was just adorable...

Fukouka is the nearest city in Korea as what I heard and remember as what HJ said in his Heart to Heart Tour with SS501 before^^

Here are tweets from ONLYKHJTIMES, tomomon and _tomato99:

HJ daytime show finished. he wore hat he bought at tokyo n softbank uniform (a baseball team) at anchor. cr: @azuSS_a

hj ate tonkotsu ramen yesterday but egg wasn't in that. then he said he would try tomorrow morning too. so cute!

HJ played football wz Universal staff the day before yesterday, so tired a little bit today. cr: ss_miyuyu

hj: are there many wild boars in jp? fan: yes, around there. Then hj looked around his side. so cute ^^

HJ sprinkled water on fans. (guess fm a plastic bottle? ) cr: @khjkiki 

HJ wear9 his usual wears & cap wiz red ponpons, “@yukarin0703

HJ didn't open window when he arrived tis morning “@luv_khj

KHJ sang Korean multiplication song. He's cute “@rocksteady7824

KHJ..Oh!! At Encore..Finally He did!! HJ poured water to fans! Exciting show~We miss SS501! RT @khjkiki

 what Xmas gift do u give? KHJ: always break up in fall so I have never given any RT @princess_miutan: “@kayo1783kevin: @princess_miutan
when girl shower/wet hair, HJ wish to trick & sprinkle flour on her. if he's tricked, hug her and get flours together! RT @kayo1783kevin 

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