Sunday, May 8, 2011

(Notice) Hyun Joong Korean Webite Has Been Hacked

Whatever the motive of the hacker is, I hope its not HENECIANS who did it. Because for sure Hyun joong will not love to hear that his own fans did it... 

I guess the hack is mostly caused the recent HENECIAN membership that is going on. 


Hello, this is Keyeast.
This morning, due to an external hacking attack attempt of our official homepage, a change in the depositing bank account number was made and that caused much worries from all of you. We are aware about that and thus we are here to give a notice on this.
The depositing bank account was changed to Woocheguk Bank with Payee being Jaein Office and account number being 013102-02-456508. The above mentioned account is not an account of Keyeast's. Also, many notices from all of you are being written continuously and posted with personal phone numbers and emails inclusive.
Because of this hacking attempt, all joining applications and bank transferring or depositioning of money for joining into the official fanclub 'Henecia' is now temporarily suspended, and we hope that no more damage will be incurred with response to any of these additional deposition of money.
In addition, the newly added activity post in the 'Schedule' category as above of this 'Jeju-do Fanmeeting' that was said to be held on June 1 is also false information; it is of zero relation to Keyeast altogether, so by making this notice, we hope for no confusion from all of you.
For the sake of all you fans' safety and to ensure no more damage made, Keyeast is currently licensing with the Cyber Terror Police on cooperation of this. For those fans who have already fallen into this trap by depositing your money into the Woocheguk Bank, please note that you must definitely send in and inform your details on this scam with our fanclub in-charge personnel through either phone calling or through email (henecia@hyun-joong.com).
We truly apologize with an apologetic heart for causing inconvenience to all foreign and domestic fans who always give all of your love towards Kim Hyunjoong-ssi. After restoration work is completed, only then will the application for the official fanclub continue as per normal. We will inform on this again through another notice by then.
Thank you.



이스트 입니다.

오늘 오전 공식 홈페이지가 외부 해킹 공격으로 인해 팬클럽 가입 공지의 입금 계좌가 바뀌는 일이 발생하여 많이 걱정하고 계신 줄 알고 있습니다. 관련하여 안내 말씀 드립니다.

해킹으로 변경 공지된 우체국 은행(예금주: 재인오피스㈜ / 계좌번호 013102-02-456508) 계좌는 키이스트의 계좌가 아닙니다. 또한 팬 여러분들의 개인 휴대폰과 메일로도 입금 계좌를 명시한 공지가 계속해서 보내지고 있다고 합니다.

해킹으로 인해 공식 팬클럽 ‘Henecia’의 모든 가입신청 및 입금을 잠시 중단하오니, 이와 관련하여 추가 입금 등으로 팬 여러분들의 피해 없으시길 진심으로 바랍니다.

또한 스케줄란에 업데이트 되어 있던 6월 1일 ‘제주도 팬미팅’도 해킹과 함께 허위로 공지된 내용으로 사실이 아니며, 키이스트와는 전혀 무관한 내용으로 혼동 없으시길 바랍니다.

키이스트는 팬 여러분들의 피해에 대해 철저한 조사를 위해 경찰 사이버 수사대에 수사를 요청한 상황입니다. 우체국 계좌 입금으로 피해를 입으신 팬 여러분께서는 반드시 팬클럽 담당자에게 전화 또는 이메일(henecia@hyun-joong.com)을 통해 자세한 피해 사항을 알려주시기 바랍니다.

김현중씨를 늘 아껴주시는 많은 국내외 팬 여러분들께 걱정을 끼쳐 드려 진심으로 죄송한 마음입니다. 공식 팬클럽 가입 신청은 홈페이지 복구 작업 완료 후 새로운 공지를 통해 자세한 안내 말씀 드리도록 하겠습니다.


키이스트 드림



  1. i guess the hacker is not one of Henecian, but someone who want to steal all the fan's money... what a bad!*%....

  2. Hope this restoration be completed soon!
