Friday, May 27, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong's "Please" MV Teaser on HD

In case you were all wondering why  KEYEAST uploaded two Teaser videos, its because the first one is not on HD. The second is...

FYI: I dont want to prohibit you from downloading the video, but I want to ask your help to PLEASE NOT UPLOAD IT on your OWN YOUTUBE account. That is one of the smallest things you can do to help, other than buying his album, of course. SO PLEASE... Thanks Henecians!

And subscribe to his YOUTUBE channel!


  1. most views are channelled to the FIRST upload of the MV teaser instead. so go there pls... in fact, put both the 1st and 2nd clips into your Favourite List and just let it auto-play!

  2. wonderful mv teaser!love all!so great!LOVE MAGNETIC LEADER!
