Friday, April 8, 2011

Vote for Kim Hyun Joong at 15th Chinese Music Awards

So I want to thank GUEST for taking time to tell me about this... We need to work extra hard for Hyun Joong to win on this! So please, please, work on that fingers once again!

IF you are a Kim Hyun Joong/SS501 blogger, REBLOG this. If you are a TWITTER addict, TWEET about this. If you love FACEBOOK so much, POST IT ON YOUR PROFILE. Pls do whatever you can to make him win, coz currently he is second....


1st: Go here: http://www.cdtv.cn/cdtv_zhuanti/bzb2011/
2. Then scroll down, you will see this:

3. On my highlighted part on the image, click the second name..since its Hyun Joong's name.. Click on the word “支持TA”.

4. And that's it... One IP adress can vote ONCE per hour so make sure you BOOKMARK the link I gave you for easy access to the voting site.. Pls Hyunnies! Let's make him win! 


  1. From GUEST ... lol.

    You are welcome Kathy.. Anything to help my Prince..
    But like I said it does smell of a conspiracy so lets not feel bad if we do lose.. This cannot undermine his popularity..

  2. I read that the Awards thingy is on April 15, to which Hyun Joong will not be able to attend because of his fc men game. So I learned that they give the awards to those who can come... So.. yeah.. Since JGS is invited, he is sure to win? But still we need to show our Hyun Joong's power..

  3. I'm using google translate...
    category : south korean male artist with most asian influence
    nominee : 1) (i am not sure who he is...)
    2) Kim hyun joong
    3) Hyun Bin

  4. Arghhh! JGS again...why must our beloved HJL always up against him. HJL is always no. 1, no matter what!

  5. I tried to vote KHJ but the site kept rejecting, saying I've voted BUT I have never voted! It's just very strange...

  6. sorry, i just realize it, the 1st person's name zhang genshuo, other meaning of jang geun suk... we must try harder, we can still make it, lets try our best...

  7. I can't even open the page now. Been trying for the last hour plus...

  8. When does the voting thing end o:

  9. Wish that Hyun Joong would win....

  10. When I saw this I just laught . Kim Hyun Joong we love you so much.

  11. Can't vote for KHJ, even after > than 1 hour interval. Try to vote for others, the system is accepting only certain singers/actors. Why?
    I suspect the TV station has already predetermined the winner. I won't be voting anymore!
