Friday, April 29, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong IPAD Application!!!

This is soo freakin amazing!!!!! I want an IPAD now!!!

Laptop, Hyun Joong! Cellphone, Hyun joong. Ipod, Hyun Joong... IPAD.. HYUN JOONG TOO! Amazing!!!!

Great job KEYEAST!!!!

Credit: idyou1004

Pls participate in our first k-benchers project for Abiertas!
The same foundation Hyun Joong helped in the Philippines!
Check the PAGE above for details! 


  1. When it's going to release? Omg....I want it for my iPad now!
    Coolest app ever!

  2. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ottoke...wish I was RICH so I can buy these gadgets-full of KHJ "goodies"...
    Maybe Keyeast should also come up w/ an English-translated version for his international Henecians!!!
    LOVE how KE takes real good care of my baby!!!

  3. WOW... it's no small thing.

  4. Lovely,wonderful!Really good idea!Love it!

  5. WOW!! This is the best News I've heard today!!! An Ipad application entirely for KHJ... Isnt that so awesome!! But the Uploader said it was only a sample and only if Keyeast is interested, they would put that in Ipad.. Guys, so what are we waiting for.. Lets send our requests to Keyeast!!!

  6. I feel excited but what exactly does ths HJL Ipad does? Pls, someone share!

  7. Its an application consisting of all works, CF's and songs of KHJ.. It has his Photoshoot pics, his articles in mags and basically everything and anything about KHJ.. They are showing how to navigate and what features are available.. I wish someone would sub it..
