Monday, April 18, 2011

(Fancam) Kim Hyun Joong at Peace Star Cup by KIMHYUNJOONG★PERFECT

And So I Thought Hyun Joong's Korean fandoms werent there anymore because of KEYEAST's notice... And its been 3 days since the match, but I havent seen fancams from PERFECT I thought.. Good thing, they are still here!


Pls participate in our first K-benchers project for Abiertas! 
The same foundation Hyun Joong helped in the Philippines!
Pls check the PAGE above for details! 


  1. This is one of the best videos of him on that day! He looks so happy! I miss him so much... Hope to see him occasionally before his album release in June... Thx Kim Hyun Joong Perfect and kathy of coz, for sharing. Perfect is really one of the most perfect fanclubs. 

  2. i am so worried too that we may not see any Korean fancam or even pics of Hyun Joong any more...for 3 days, there are hardly any pics from hyun joong's korean fan clubs. i am so worried >0<
