Wednesday, December 22, 2010

KEYEAST Notice to Fans

Please please get well soon..your health is the most important thing right now

Credit : hyun-joong.com + (Eng.Translation) Ode's Blog 
Please Repost with Full Credits

Hello, this is Keyeast here.
Guess you must be having your warm year ends now, aren't you.
With regards to the articles which came out in the morning, we've received much enquiries and concerns about it, thus we're here to deliver our speech to you.

For now, we're aware that many fans are concerned about Hyun Joong ssi's health issues; ever since drama [Playful Kiss] ended, Kim Hyun Joong ssi has not been able to rest for a heave and had been busy digesting his domestic and overseas schedules, which was why fatigue took a toll on his health. Because of that, he is now taking a rest after completing all his originally scheduled schedules, and has now taken a turn for the better thanks to everyone's genuine and sincere worries. After Kim Hyun Joong ssi takes ample rest, he will be back to greet you all with a healthy temperament, and we too, will be beside him giving our best.

Thanks to all fans' support and for being by us all the while, overseas schedules such as the Tokyo Dome Smile Project event as well as the Yahoo Asia Buzz Award Ceremony was thus able to successfully end off. Kim Hyun Joong ssi has had received equal love from fans in our country and overseas, he's been very much encouraged by all of you wherein he had a chance to personally meet you all. Really thank you to you all for always giving him your unhesitated support.

Without few days left to the end of 2010, here's hoping that all of you will weave warm memories with people who are precious to you for the remaining period.
Thank you.


~~ Original Hangul Message ~~

안녕하세요. 키이스트입니다.
따뜻한 연말 보내고 계신지요.
오늘 오전 기사와 관련하여 팬 여러분들의 문의와 염려가 많으신 듯 하여 안내 말씀 드립니다.

현재 많은 팬 여러분들께서 현중씨의 건강을 걱정하고 계신 것으로 알고 있는데요,
김현중씨는 드라마 <장난스런 키스> 마무리 이후 쉴 틈 없이 국내외 스케쥴을 소화하다 보니 피로가 누적된 상태입니다.
때문에 예정되어 있던 모든 스케쥴을 마무리 하고 휴식을 취하고 있으며, 여러분들의 진심 어린 걱정 덕분에 많이 호전된 상태입니다.
김현중씨가 충분한 휴식을 취한 뒤 건강한 모습으로 인사드릴 수 있도록 저희도 옆에서 최선을 다하겠습니다.

팬 여러분들께서 항상 마음으로 함께 해주시고 응원해주신 덕분에 도쿄돔 미소프로젝트 행사를 비롯하여 야후 아시아 버즈 어워드 시상식 참석 등 해외 스케쥴을 무사히 잘 치를 수 있었습니다.
김현중씨는 국내뿐 아니라 해외에서도 한결 같은 사랑을 보내주시는 팬 여러분들을 직접 만나면서 큰 힘을 얻었습니다.
항상 아낌없는 성원 보내주셔서 정말 감사합니다.

얼마 남지 않은 2010년, 소중한 분들과 함께 따뜻한 추억 만드시기를 기원합니다.

키이스트 올림



  1. mian... but .. i dont think that Hyun joong is in a very serious ill and i hope not ... even arasso he must be very tired for thost tight schedule .. but styill this cancellation is obviously make disappointed for fans ... huaaaaaaa....... :((

    - wuri

  2. I have seen alternative reason for the cancellation other than KHJ health issue. I have seen another angle but rather keep it till I have more info about it .

    Till then ,let us not worry about it anymore. Let us not have intrigues in our lives -bad for the system -in the meantime have a Merry Christmas everyone!

  3. Anonymous 10:11pm If you aren't going to give your alternative reason then please just don't say anything. This kind of thing does nothing but cause rumors, gossip, and speculation. It was canceled because of Kim Hyun Joong's need for rest and unless Keyeast or Kim Hyun Joong says differently then that is the reason.

  4. Agree with 3:14AM! I only believe what KE and HJ say... Other than that just rumors and gossip.
    You can see a lot of pics recently that show Joongie's tired face. He really needs rest!

  5. I think it would also help if you read wonderrrgirl’s translation…”Because of this, all the planned schedules have been wrapped up and he is now able to take a good rest…”


    KeyEast decided to end KHJs 2010 activities after Tokyo Dome "Message to Asia event" and the Yahoo awards in HK considering his health failed already.

    Translators all have done a good job and I read that sometimes it is difficult for them to find the exact words to translate from Korean to English. They said that it is easier to translate from Korean to Chinese considering that Korean characters are almost the same with Chinese characters.

    I symphatize those who already have flight and hotel bookings for the Taiwan event but I know deep inside you, you still wish that Leader will get more rest. We wish to avoid seeing Leader collapse in front of our eyes or other worse things to happen. Leader, as we all know, is a workaholic and he had fainting spells before like when he did filming for BOF in Macau. We also remember that because of Leader's low resistance, he caught that H1N1 influenza virus or flu back in Sep 2009 which also almost got me sometime in Jul 2009. There is nothing that could stop Leader until a viral infection. I think if not for KeyEast, Leader will still go but KeyEast decided to end his trips for the year. His past illnesses may also have influenced this decision.
    I am really relieved that KeyEast made Leader's activities end. I think it is alright if there is a time to rest between trips and events but early December was too much for him to bear considering it was nonstop. I myself, could not stand working directly after one flight but need to sleep or rest before going back to my regular activities. Leader just had too many flights within just a few days. Plus we also saw some shooting of his new drama and some endorsements and preparations for his album.
    Further, my understanding also is that KeyEast didn’t confirm in advance and must have sensed that Leader’s health is failing because of the nonstop activities and trips after the Playful Kiss shooting. Then after Leader succumbed to illness due to overfatigue, thus KeyEast was forced to indeed cancel the Taiwan event.
    Considering that it is also the holidays, I want Leader to take more rest. I wish to see Leader more refreshed to continue with his commitments for the year 2011. I hope to see you again Leader in Singapore, Malaysia, Manila and Cebu or Bangkok for the promotion of Playful Kiss and looking better for his new drama and more upbeat for his new album...s...a

  6. Further, my understanding also is that KeyEast didn’t confirm in advance and must have sensed that Leader’s health is failing because of the nonstop activities and trips after the Playful Kiss shooting. Then after Leader succumbed to illness due to overfatigue, thus KeyEast was forced to indeed cancel the Taiwan event.
    Considering that it is also the holidays, I want Leader to take more rest. I wish to see Leader more refreshed to continue with his commitments for the year 2011. I hope to see you again Leader in Singapore, Malaysia, Manila and Cebu or Bangkok for the promotion of Playful Kiss and looking better for his new drama and more upbeat for his new album...

  7. I apologize kathy my comment is so long at 12:18...
