Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tweets from KHJ Fan to CEO Shin of KeyEast

I did not know that there was a sudden change in Hyun Joong's manager.. However, I love how KEYEAST always reacts to fans messages..


Very nice and pleasant tweets with CEO Shin.
Korean to English translation by Suehan / Suehan's BYJ Blog

(fans’ tweets)

@philshin76 Hello, CEO. I’m Kim Hyun Joon’s fan. .^^; I have a question for you. Would it be okay to answer my question? Why is Kim Hyun Joong’s manager changed so often? ^^;; KHJ is a bit shy of strangers, so he might want to work with one person for a long time.

@philshin76 Did we make their work difficult? Sometimes, we get excited because we have been KHJ’s fan since he was in the band. We have confidence that we control ourselves compared to other idols’ fans. But we are getting worried because his managers quit work.

@philshin76 And I heard that his new manager refrain us from giving letters. We, Hyun Joong’s fans do not approach or touch him. We just want to give him the letters. Rather, the average people approach him because they are fascinated to see him. Anyway, I’m just curious..;;

@philshin76 And we, the fans are happy to hear the news of the Olympic matter. I heard that the filming for the Youtube Channel is almost done. You worked so hard and I appreciate your preparation of the last event. (__)

(CEO’s responses)

@--- Hello. Thank you for loving Hyun Joong. I have some difficulties explaining about the substitution of his managers’. I hope you understand. Hyun Joong and we all want to keep the right manager for a long time. Please understand this is the adjusting process.

@--- Regarding the letters, managers sometimes restrict him from receiving them. But it depends on the situation. Some fans come to give the letter only, but his managers are unable to know their intention. We’re just doing it for Hyun Joong’s safety. We understand your heart fully. Please don’t be sad because they’re doing it for Hyun Joong’s safety.

@--- Hyun Joong’s love towards his fans is different from the others. So he worked hard to prepare the event even though he was very tired from the filming. I appreciate those who understand his thoughtfulness. Please love Hyun Joong a lot and we’ll also work harder. Please be happy!

(fan’s tweet)

@philshin76 Thank you for your earnest responses. ^^ I am always grateful to Keyeast. Have a nice day. ~^^


  1. Dont take it personal if i' m wrong. Last time when i met the leader at ai theimmiration in Japan, it hurt my feelings so much. The way he act was totally different from on the stage . He was so cold , no smiling or words fro his fan giving him some gifts or letter . He seemed to ignore their feelings . I was so pitty them and i myself how much we r fond oof him but he seemed not to care . I tried to convinced myself that he might so tired or else . And then i think it s time for me and some of our friends stop chasing him . Anyway wish him all the best @ pitty fans
