Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong's Christmas and Playful Kiss ASIA TOUR Promotions

OMG!! Pls include my country!!


Kim Hyunjoong who had officially challenged the acting field will be holding an exciting Christmas after ending filming for his first role-leading drama [Playful Kiss]. Different from others, he has plans to spend a slightly special year end this year, as was told in interview.

"I think I'll be spending my Christmas this year with males again", as he said it in as if it was nothing the case. Kim Hyunjoong who wears his personality on such good looks of his lets people find it unbelievable that he will spend Christmas with males.

"Last last year was with Jaejoong hyung, last year was with Youngsaeng. For this year's Christmas, because I don't have any special particular schedule, I feel relieved. But on 26th, I'll be leaving for Taiwan for [Playful Kiss] promotion, so on 25th I guess I'll need to pack up my luggage right?", "I'm puzzling over what to do on 25th. My other friends have girlfriends so if we meet up, it'll look like I'm off with nothing...", as he expresses his sadness. 

"I don't have any girl whom I fancy now, and I don't have chances nor time to have any. Until now in my life, I don't think I've spent Christmas with any girl before. This year will be my 3rd consecutive year to spend with males", as he seemingly expressed his giving in to fate.

Kim Hyunjoong also showed his desire to walk on the streets of Myungdong on Christmas. Is it interesting to observe people on the streets? It may be an ordinary matter for us, but to Kim Hyunjoong, this isn't acceptable. It seems like it'll still probably be difficult to see Kim Hyunjoong treading on the streets of Myungdong since he will be seen by so many people. 

Last 12th (November), Kim Hyunjoong stood on the stage reaching out to people worldwide as he took his spot as a Korean rep to a greater height. He was a representative as a Korean singer who stood on the stage of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Game opening ceremony as he sung to the theme song "Sunshine Again". 

So how was the feeling of that, as we asked, "I felt great as I could stand on such a huge stage to sing like that. When I first received the proposal I was like, is this a joke or what. 'Why would China send invitations to me?'. I couldn't believe and was shocked", as he still pours his surprise over it.

At that time in the broadcast, announcers introduced him as 'the representative singer from Korea stood right before the eyes of people worldwide', as they praised him like that. To this Kim Hyunjoong said he felt so shy about it because "they announced and expressed it in such a loud manner, I was so shameful (good)", "I just came to stand on that venue in the split of a moment, at that time, thoughts like holding a concert there and filling it with this amount of audiences came onto mind", with this it's evident how he holds passion as a singer.

Kim Hyunjoong is also expected to release his dance album in next May. If he is to release a solo album, definitely there will be so much more talks from people talking about SS501's disbandment. To this however, Kim Hyunjoong reaffirms that SS501 is not disbanded. "Previously if a group is to be disbanded, they will hold press conference telling everybody that 'we will be disbanded', but these days, because it's a natural splitting apart, it seems like that is the way how people tend to misunderstand and have those thoughts. But SS501 will still be appearing out public; we are not disbanded", as he gives relief to the worries of fans.

With the remaining 2 months left of 2010, Kim Hyunjoong will be spending his new year in various asian countries. Beginning off with Taiwan, he will proceed on to Malaysia, Singapore, China, Japan, and other South East asian countries etc for promotions of his drama [Playful Kiss].

During those days when they were doing activities as SS501, they always had to give up their year end to sing on stages and perform as they await the countdown bells to a brand new year, and then returning to their homes on the morning of the 1st. However now, it won't be like that already and it seems like he's liking it as he pulled a smile.

Indeed, the '4-dimensional' charm to Kim Hyunjoong exists all the time. That's why he even let in talks about the G20 Summit Conference held last 11th. He lets in about his thoughts felt back then, "I felt that it was quite peculiar for our country to hold the summit conference when we weren't even able to ge into the G7. I was wondering if the consciousness of our citizens wasn't strong enough for it to be. Vehicles were overseen and cars behind one another just kept honking and drivers were frustrated, I didn't like it when I saw such a sight", as he delivers his hoping-for.

On this upcoming 26th December, Kim Hyunjoong will be leaving for Taiwan for promotions of [Playful Kiss]. It seems like Kim Hyunjoong will be in overseas longer than in the country with the status as an actor with the remaining of less than 2 months of 2010.



  1. HyunJoong oppa and So Min please come to VietNam :) i want to see u guys so much :x

  2. I can imagine him feeling awkward with all his friend's girlfriend and him being girlfriendless, haha. I do hope he will be able to do whatever he wants, be it stroll the streets or whatever. Don't wear huge glasses! They'll give you away! And so will the Cartier necklace XD
    So he doesn't have any girl he fancies now? I'll take your word for it, even though he seem quite fond of JSM. They are going to be promoting during New Years Eve, no? It sounds fun!
    Only time will tell =)

  3. khj doesnt fancy anyone at the moment? well damn, this just shoots down my ship! haha!

  4. Haha, I find this somewhat funny.
    KHJ is a smart lad, he knows the scary power of netizens, and while he is a very honest person, I'm sure he wouldn't reveal anything concerning his private life, not even hints. His popularity is immense, and if he says anything remotely close to 'I'm interested in someone', netizens are bound to go crazy and find out who it is, and being that SoMin is his latest costar and that he gets along with her very very well, they are going to target her first.

  5. Anon 11:41 am,

    I just had the same feelings with you! haha!

    But I agree at Anon 12:06, He will never give a single hint.. Look at how he said it."I DONT HAVE ANYONE I FANCY AT THE MOMENT" Are we even asking if you have? haha

    He is talking before the issue so as not to have more talks..

    At least, that is my opinion..

  6. Eventhough he said those word about not having that special someone to send with. We know that he won't reveal the person, But i really do hope that he find that destined or fated person so that he won't feel awaker when he going out with his friends and their girlfrieds.
    Hyun I very hope from the bottom of my heart that u do find that special somone u could share ur things

  7. He has already mentioned that he will never disclose the identity of his girlfriend if he has one. So we will just never know because he will not give any hint at all.

  8. Anon 12:06,
    I totally agree with you.

    And Kathy, that is exactly what I thought when I read it. There has been no scandal (even with all the evident chemistry and the BTS) and the crazy netizens haven't pulled a stunt, so he decided to try and close the matter before they tried to drag them in. Smart cookie.

  9. Smart guy right? I am still totally shipping coz my feelings are really strong..!

  10. Defiantly! He has been in the showbiz for a while and he has learned well, haha. Maybe he got pointers from Bae YongJun XD

  11. Hope someone can translate this, KHJ seem to mention a particular Korean actress he likes to meet. Her name is 韓孝珠! How come here he's daring to express such sentiment?

  12. defensive much, hyun joong-ah? no one's even asking. hahaha.

    i'm sure his handlers or the people at Keyeast monitor blogs, ytkiss comments, forums, etc. and they must know that people are abuzz with their off-screen chemisty and starting to ship these two, so they must be telling him to shut those speculations down before it even starts.

    i don't particularly think its all KHJ's doing, his management must've arranged all these interviews. its called preventing any fire before it even has a chance to start. keyeast (especially BYJ) is pretty savvy, i'm sure they know what they're doing.

    now this doesn't necessarily mean that there's something going on between him and JSM. its more like a preventative measure on his (or his management) side, i think.

  13. After reading most of his interviews for these 2 days, I notice he never talk or mention JSM at all but he did talk about HyeRa and Joon Gu. If there's nothing between the 2 of them I'm sure he'd talk openly about JSM as friend or colleague. Strange isn't it?

  14. Now he mentioned that the actress he most wanted to work together is Han Hye Joo. Is this diversion of attention or what?

  15. love kim hyun joong..i hope he will go here in the Philippine..i already finish watching playful kiss and its special edition..he is such a darling..brilliant actor...i hope he got a award in portraying as Baek Seung Jo...God bless KIM HYUN JOONG...FIGHTINGGGGGGGGGGG !!!!!!! :)

  16. he is a smart guy
    he is at yhe peak of his career
    even if he is fond of JSM, he will not disclose it to protect her

  17. aigoo people for the past 2 days my heart is aching for all these interviews. i was kinda sad for minmin. she's so young, naive, sweet & gentle. i dont want our KHJ to break her heart. for the past 1 & a half year ive been a huge & loyal fan of KHJ but im feeling so down & sad now. i do hope that all the above comments are true to bring back my lost energy. sigh!!!!!!!korean entertainment is far different from phil entertainment because here we can accept if our idols are in love, its no big deal for us. we respect their private life.whatever makes them happy we support them.

  18. dont lose hope, anon 944. we'll see what will happen during their promotional activities in asia. as the saying goes action speaks louder than words!!! you cant just throw away the feeling of loving and liking a person for 4 months just like that unless youre a robot. u cant forget a person in such a little time that inspired and makes you smiling, bubbly and happy again. FIGHTING!!

  19. You guys need to wake up. You guys cannot distinguish real from acting. If HJ does another drama or a movie w/ a pretty actress like HHJ, you're going to fix w/ the actress. Right!!! He wants to have an acting partner w/ his around age also.

  20. i don't think hyunmin couple will give us hints about their actions since now a days, there's a lot of khj's interviews which MM is not included.
    whatever their decisions, we must respect it.

  21. We will not get to see anything during their promo activities in Asia, they will keep their distance and say they are just good friends. So don't expect anything or any hint.

  22. Peeps, calm down. Whats so bad about him wanting to work with another artist? Nothing. Whats wrong with him saying he doesn't like anyone at the moment? Nothing. There is no reason for him to relieve anything but the necessary, IF there is anything to reveal at all.

    Anon 5:40
    That is pretty much what most KHJ/JSM fans want, for them to say that yes, they are friends and keep in contact. We aren't really looking for a hint, just enjoying their interaction 'cause they are cute =)

  23. ..wow' after I read all this comment, I got headache...It's sad to know that KHY still single & I know how it felt to be single this coming Christmas..Even though it hurts for us (being ur fans)but we/I still wishing u to be happy in ur love life. Find the right girl that can make u happy.love lots

  24. I agree with Anon 5:40. I am a fan of both KHJ and JSM. All I want is for them to keep the friendship they built through Playful Kiss and I enjoy watching them together because they are adorable and compatible. :)

  25. So thats means KHJ will come to singapore twice? for playful kiss promotion and THEFACESHOP?

  26. he's come to malaysia, singapore, etc...
    but... why he doesn't come to indonesia???
    hufff!!!!! T__T
    u have a lot of fans in indonesia too KHJ.
    so... u have to rearrange ur schedule again ^o^

  27. I'm a fan of KHJ and I love this couple . They are so cute , adorable and compatable. I'm really love to watch their interaction but I do not expact anything. Now I'm looking foawrd to seeing them on their Asia promotion. Love to see them work together.
