Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Benefits of "Fangirling"

I have posted this before but I am reposting this again as I think some of you haven't read this yet...

I will always be proud to be a fangirl!


So, I am a certified Fangirl...Honestly,?If you go through any means just to buy the album of your favorite group(which, in my case, is SS501), searching everyday to the net about the latest news on them,watching videos of them through youtube, or even listening to their songs number of times every day,wouldn't that qualify you as a fangirl?I would say...YES!!!

But to be honest,I wasn't quite sure why am I here.I mean,there has to be some purposes for everything right?Dont get me wrong.I love what I do.Its just that,you know when sometimes,some people ask you why are you so preoccupied with these things and so on...

That is why I am so grateful when a friend of my friend asked me to answer questions for thesis.It's about the effect of Boys Over Flowers on its viewers. As an addict(which I am prpud to say),I had to answer different set of questions,which are really long by the way.However, there were two questions that struck me.

First: What are the benefits of BOF in your life?

Honestly,that really made me think..I was like..."WOW.Where did it really take me."It wasn't really hard answering the question.What is my answer? FRIENDS... Of all the things that BOF gave me, I guess having new friends is the one of the best. Because of BOF, I searched on through Kim Hyun Joong,then lead to SS501,then..TripleS Philippines and then...THE REST IS HISTORY...
Second, since I met my TripleS sisters, I became more open about my likes and dislikes because I havent been ashamed of what I like and who I hate since then.Honestly, before joining TripleS fanclub,I am really ashamed to let people know of my biases..My fondness of Korean Series and Stuffs..But now...I have never been vocal about my addiction!!!

Second: What is the purpose of BOF in your Life?

Now this was harder..Honestly??????If it were you,how will you answer it..?It was really difficult to begin with.HAHA..But still,I managed to answer it,whole heartedly...BOF's purpose in my life was to broaden my horizons,first and foremost.I have always been limited to myself.But I believe that because of BOF,wow,can you believe I managed to have all the benefits I stated above...???

Why am I blogging this?Simple...Some People think that fangirls do nothing than being fangirls..We save pictures.We buy albums.We sing korean songs.We scream our hearts out.PERIOD.But if you are a fangirl,you would feel the same way I do right?Yes...We scream our hearts out...But it's more than that.Its knowing what you really are,and having many people by your side in return.

So,..are you a fangirl???


  1. Thank you for your post... you just made me feel a whole whole lot better about myself. I think it's inevitable i'll feel a bit guilty about being a fangirl but hopefully, I'll reach that point where I won't anymore.. and your post just helped me take a big step toward that point. XD
    Love your blog. plus, love your playlist...

  2. Hello there!

    You are deeply welcome! I am happy I get to help other people's lives by sharing my own story. As I said in my post, I have always been very shy about my hidden self, and that is, a fangirl. But that all is a past already. And I am proud. And I have never been any happier...

    Thank you for loving my blog! And my playlist too!!!

  3. oh yes!I am a fan girl for sure ..i do everything stated by you and yes i am also opening up about my likes which i was reluctant to do previously.. Thank you for this post Kathy, for i too feel a lot better about this crazy feeling for this Korean boy..I've liked lots of singers and actors in the past,and i am a fan of some of them still..but this fascination for a singer/actor/model is beyond anything else i have experienced before..just like you, it started with B O F which lead to KIM HYUN Joong and SS501 and now all watch and listen to is connected to KHJ!I listen to One More Time at least a 100 times per day..which is why i love your Playlist and blog which i visit every day ..

  4. Kochi,

    I am glad that I have come to help you in some way. Cause I know the world isn't that open yet in the Kpop invasion although it is very evident that Kpop is doing great this year.

    Kim Hyun Joong opened a lot of doors for all of us, that is why we can't ever let go of this love. And I know we dont have any plans to let go right???

    Thank You for being here always! I appreciate that you comment and love my blog!!!!I promise to give you more posts and updates!!

