Friday, September 10, 2010

Naughty Kiss to have a 7-episode special online edition

Credits to sports.khan.co.kr + (English translation) ss501ode.blogspot.com

MBC Wed-Thurs drama Playful Kiss will be producing a special Online-edition for the drama.

According to Playful Kiss production company Group Eight, they have signed on with video-sharing site Youtube as a form of partnership. This special edition will be produced in the form of a mini-drama with a total of 7 episodes, and will be introduced to not just Korea but international-wide.

In particular for this special edition, it will feature brand new contents that will differ from the current Playful Kiss that is in midst of telecast.

Group Eight personnel has said, "Though it will be the same casts and same basic settings, it will be a different writer and will portray new scenarios", "It's not a re-composition of the drama, it's like a kind of spin-off".
-last paragraph omit, introduction of Playful Kiss


  1. That's an exciting concept-its about time they think of us international fans -we will give the highest rating to MK/Pk .

    Btw ,is this online viewing free ? Or do they need special registration ?

    Thanks for the news

  2. Youre welcome!!!

    I guess this is free..But I think you have to have a Youtube account..I am not sure about the process yet but I will update once it is out.

    I guess they know how strong international fans and how we anticipate the drama so much that is why they thought of doing this, and I love it!

    Let's surprise them with our power...!!

