Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mischievous Kiss Re Run

I saw at twitter that Mischievous Kiss will have its rerun on MBC today before MBC Music Core...If you're a sucker for live streaming,check it out!!!

I think it is a good idea to have its rerun before Music Core since MK is targeted on younger audiences...We all know KPOP audiences are that,right???

As for me, I have watched the episodes but I will still try my luck at streaming it live on MBC!

No new news on Leader today...Sigh...


  1. Kat,
    Me love this screen cap of KHJ smelling the flower very much. *Hinting at you to change header ...kekeke*
    Watched MK on viikii and the verdict ... *drum roll*
    LOVE IT but could cut down on the dream scenes.
    Laughed so much at some of the scenes.
    Hoping that such re-runs will be able to drum up some support for the following weeks.
    Scripwriter(s) & PD must work on the weaknesses by reading comments by the viewers.


  2. Hi Lynne,

    WAHAHAHA...You just made me laugh there!!!Since I love you,I will do as you wish..hehehe...

    Very enjoyable right???And Leader is so mean but dang!You don't like to hate him..hehehe...

    They should add more music to some scenes to make it more enjoyable...That is my opinion..And not too much Hani..I want more Seung Joo!!!!

    Love lots,


  3. Kathy! Me love you too after our sweetie ...kekeke
    Thanks for the header... *Flying kiss*
    Yup, agree with you. Moreeeeee KHJ please! He/s so dreamy ...
    So what do ya think about his acting? Read in Soompi that there were some really nasty criticisms at allkpop and dramabeans. Me not bothered to step foot at those sites cause it's pointless. After all KHJ has not attended acting school and that's how he's suppose to portray his role: cold, arrogant, egoistic, proud, & think too much of himself jerk!MK is MK & should not be compared to the Japan or TW version. Art is art and should be interpreted differently by different people. I for one have not watched either the Japanese or Taiwanese version.

    Luv ya,

  4. Lynne,

    Youre welcome dear!Love ya!!!kekeke

    Well,I have to say that Leader improved.No bias added.More than anyone else,this role suits him. I wouldn't mind watching it if it weren't him.

    For the nasty comments, I have always hated allkpop and dramabeans because ever since, they have always...ALWAYs...wrote negative comments about Leader and SS501. DOnt bother to go there anymore.

    I think it is really unfair for Hyun Joong to be compared.My heart just breaks whenever I think what would Hyun Joong feel right now with all those bad netizens.

    Love lots,
