Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ready, Action Photobook Collectors Edition on Sale

I have told you about this before, right? Well, since scans of Ready Action Photobook, the first edition, is getting us pretty frustrated since we can't have one, fortunately, the collectors item is on Yesasia. Its different though with the first one. This has 2 DVDs on it but if I am not mistaken, it has no photobook. But I still consider buying this one too, since it is, a Kim Hyun Joong item!! You can purchase it HERE .Here are the contents:

**DISC 1** -- SPAIN STORY no.1
-Part 1 - Overshoot
-Part 2 - Stop off
-Part 3 - Start off
**DISC 2** -- SPAIN STORY no.2
-Part 4 - Walk up
-Part 5 - Jump up
-Part 6 - Running


  1. hi there ms kathy i believe the one available at Yesasia website do have the 24-page photobook plus a pillow headrest and a luggage tag plus of course the 2dvds but what i'm not sure of is
    whether the first edition copy also has a 24-page sheets too.

  2. Hi there Lisa!

    Oh, yeah, I didn't notice thank you for telling me! I think what lacks the first edition is the 2 DVDs right? Coz the first one has 200 page photobook in it. Oh well...Thanks for telling me! Im getting pretty torn lately with all the DVD's coming out!
