Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Warning: If you're looking for some constructive, professional recap, then this is not the perfect recap for you! I gush a lot! So...BE PREPARED...LOL

So....FINALLY...This day came! And what can I say????

GOSH!!! You're asking KATHY????Of all people??HAHAHAHA!

I love love love love love love every bit of it!!!

I always have loved Playful Kiss of course. But this is the first time I have watched an episode that I was screaming, and smiling the whole time! From start to finish!!!

It starts off by Seung Jo and Hani on the bed...With Seung Jo uttering that oh so mushy line! HAHA.. Actually, at first, I really can't believe he would say it though. It turns out, Im right. As our dear Hani is dreaming again..HAHAHA..

Then Hani wakes up and heads to the grocery to prepare her precious ENGLISH BREAKFAST for her dear Seung Jo. At first, I thought..Woah..Hani is now a great cook...Turns out....Still...THE TOTAL DISASTER...

But I screamed the loudest seeing Seung Jo doing the vacuuming, cleaning, and even doing the laundry! Honestly??!! Who wouldnt want a man like that??!!! HANDSOME! SEXY! PERFECT!!!

So, since Hani's dishes are a total disaster, Seung Jo asked for a coffee...And at least..It's good..hahaha...I got a big smile again when the scene switches to Hani researching that English breakfast at Google(which by the way, is ytkiss's sponsor..) overly excited. Turns out..Seung Jo hears his wife..And flashes that mega watt smile..He must be thinking, " That's my wife...! That's why I love her!"


Oh well..our dear JoNi wearing couple EVERYTHING..haha! Couple jacket and shoes(which by the way, are ADIDAS..and another sponsor). Of course, Seung Jo is conscious..But oh well..its his wife so who cares! HAHA!! Then suddenly, ties his wife's shoelaces..MAJOR OMG!!!! How could you be like that again Seung Jo!!!

Since I am not Korean, I am not pretty sure what Hani told Seung Jo but seems like she called him with an honorific designated only to husband and wife..To which...Seung Jo smiles and replies back..Then..our dear Hani...kissing her husband on the cheek! AIGOO!!! I love this couple!

But I have one complaint.. WHY DID HANI STEAL A KISS ON THE CHEEK??!!! WHY NOT ON THE LIPS!!! ????? If you'll steal a kiss to your dear husband..who is utterly gorgeous..then you have all the right to kiss him on the LIPS!!!hahaha....

KATHY's EDIT: Reading the comments..I take back what I said.Ok..The kiss on the cheeks...IS SWEET!!HAHAHA..Well, I never said it isnt..haha! My MINJOONG fantasy just want to see some lip action that's why..hahaha

10 minutes will never ever ever be enough! Now that we have more JoNi scenes more than ever! I wouldnt mind having 1 hour of just them two! HAHAHA! WE WANT MORE!!!!!MORE!!!!

So are you hyped up people?? Coz I am!!!!! What a recap right? So unconstructive...kekeke!

Let's wait for tomorrow!!!!


  1. kaaattt!!!
    just can't stop smiling, i feel idiotic already..but who cares?! haha!! im so happy!
    and to your question, maybe because hani is also embarrassed to do it (public place?) but can't help herself..haha..who can? when you have that man as husband??!

  2. Vinz,

    I CANT STOP SMILING TOO!!! This is one of the best days of my life!!!!!!!!

    haha! Maybe she is still shy...GULP..haha..Well..its ok! I still love them!!


  3. tho i didnt understand at all what the heck they are talking abt but my simple korean do help me sometime haha..
    i can't stop laughing watching this short drama..

    love the scenes..it is so sweet and they are suit together as baek-seobangnim and hani-buin :)

    ayy kiss on the check is more sweet than on the lip i guess..

  4. Am I the only one who thinks that the kiss on the cheek is more sweeter, more Oh Hani, as opposed to the kiss on the lips?haha!

  5. She called him "Hubby ya!!" and he reply by "What's up?! Sexy ya" =))
    Just can't stop smiling =)) I'm happy for them and for all of us, too... Because we have been waiting for a long time and now, we're happy for watching our lovely couple =)) They're so good together and I really think I'm watching a real couple, I really think they're meant to be <3 I must say 'match made in heaven' <3
    Sorry for bad English but I can't stop typing my feeling to share with you :)

  6. Ok looking at your comments..I take back what I said..hahahaa!!!!

    I love the kiss on the cheeks!hahaha!

    No need to apologize sunluvfish! I totally understood what you meant! and thank you for that translation!!!

    I LOVE THEM!!!


  7. OMG!! with SeungJo calling Hani 'What's up, sexy ya'. I nearly faint literally. LoL! again, where in the world we can get this perfect hubby!!! -smiling like a fool mode:p-

  8. kathy, i keep smiling when i read your recap, really appreciate it gurl of course i'm one of your avid follower here,hehe

    my favorite part when khj ties jsm's shoelaces soo sweet..i love them as i love their sponsors haha.
    i want to support hyunmin couple by buying all their sponsors like adidas though i love wearing Nike but i've changed my mind now haha and of course the cp used by jsm but don't know the brand:-)


  9. You're welcome gurl!!!


  10. thanks for posting this kath! I love every second of the episode yesterday that I can't wait til later. I can't stop smiling like a fool right now just thinking of the ep. yesterday. BSJ doing household chores. Couple shirts, jackets and shoes. BSJ even tying OHN's shoe laces. what more could be sweeter?? I soo love them both:D And with BSJ calling Ha Ni 'What's up, sexy ya', Ha Ni must have died from too much happiness and hyperventilation. Coz I would feel that way, if BSJ will call me that. too much of day dreaming eh?? LOL --abbie
