Tuesday, November 2, 2010

YTKISS Episode 1: The Morning of the Newlyweds

Have you watched it HyunMin shippers???I AM SOOOO HAPPY!!! This is the first time I am screaming while watching PK from Start to finish!!!!OMG!!!!

It would be real nice to have Seung Jo as your husband!! Who does the chores with you! Who ties your shoelaces! Who flashes that MEGA Watt smile on the morning! OMG!!

10 MINUTES seemed like seconds for me!! IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH!!!!!

Here's the video!!!

Credit: ytkiss


  1. so very cute, so very cute, so very cute, so very cute, so very cute, so very cute, OVERFLOWING WITH CUTENESS, THIS EPISODE IS!!!! kyahhh!!! CUUUUUUUTTTTTEEEE!! words cannot describe how cute,cute they are! I feel like dyyyiiinnnggg! grabe na toh!

  2. hello kathy,

    yes! i watch it! sooooo cute and adorable couple. speechless the cuteness! gosh^*^


  3. ok guys stop saying that , I'm dying here at work not able to watch the video ( no youtube access :( ) and I will have to wait till 10 other hours to watch , :( POOOOOOR me

  4. love love love and cuteness overload!! -vinz

  5. I need to go to work tomorrow and here I am blogging!!hahaahaha

