Tuesday, March 5, 2013

(Video) Kim Hyun Joong 김현중 And his Scuba diving hobby at TvN e-news 'Star Life Secret'

Thanks @AlienPrince for the brief translation!

Kim Hyun Joong started scuba diving as hobby to conquer his shark phobia caused by watching the movie 'Jaws' as a kid

HJ's scuba diving teacher Lee Won Hyung revealed, "Although HJ never met a shark so far, we'll prepare a meeting for HJ with a shark soon."

They prepare a meeting for Hyun Joong with sharks around March - April without HJ knowing.. (Guess now he knows? ^^)


  1. I'm glad that he is experiencing the beauty of the ocean.....

  2. KHJ like to risk. But if he could feel as worry relatives, family such minutes. And in general everything to whom he is dear.
    (When I the first time didn't see the father one month – I simply didn't visit him earlier. He told: "I thought that I will die because didn't see you month". Though earlier he similar didn't tell anything. ) NOT all words say!
    I am sure that your parents very much worry about you always. But you will understand it only when itself you will worry about someone.
