Wednesday, November 17, 2010

YTKISS Episode 7: Happy Birthday, Ha Ni! Screencaps

Now I know why many girls dig the bad guys... Cause when they become sweet, OMG! HEAVEN AND EARTH will collide!!!!

Credit: vanilla96 @soompi

(the kiss was sweet no doubt.:) but 12:32-12:34 made me smile ^_^. Whooo! )


  1. LOOOVED that kiss , Loved the last 4 MN of the webisode , watched it more than 20 times now , sighhhh , gonna miss those two :(

  2. and yes I noticed that stare from BSJ/KHJ(maybe) to OHN/JSM after the kiss , shoooo shweeet :D

  3. In the last close-up kiss, don't you just feel that we were watching KHJ and JSM instead of BSJ and OHN? Their reactions (4th screencap)after seem like real to me :)

  4. Anon 7:36 yes I thought the same the mn I saw SJ/HJ kept looking at HN/SM after the kiss :D

  5. Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article.
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  6. I read that in soompi PK thread pg 329 that the hot steamy scene was done before the YT prescon but they decided to cut it out.
    So even though we don't get to see it, but JSM and KHJ actually did filmed that.

  7. oh..really??
    i wish that they will show it in the bts..=)

  8. i think they cut it off the steamy scene in YT knowing that their audiences are 13-65 yrs old..not so bad at all..i hope even PK ended, khj & jsm still see each other in their own way. can't get enough of hyunmin couple. i missed them already huhu


  9. Really? So there was a STEAMY SCENE behind the scenes? hahaha

