Friday, November 5, 2010

YTKISS Episode 3: Making of Jr. Baek Seung Jo Random Notes

Oh yes kissers...I know..I know..You are disappointed on the DOOR..hahaha...I know..HAHAHA

I am too...SUPER...haha..And the title is just sooo misleading right?? HAHAHA..I actually thought they will make Seung Jo Jr. half the whole episode..HAHAA(ok..Im joking)

But now that I remember, the REAL making of Jr. Baek Seung Jo will happen on Ha Ni's birthday. Well, what happened on the anime was Ha Ni being late because of the CPR moment of Ha Ni on the street, which, we already saw on Epi 16, so that leaves us with more anticipation right?

Overall, I love EPISODE 3 sooo much.. Aigoo!! I can't look at the screen sometimes because I feel super bad for Ha Ni thinking she is pregnant but all she has is what...A CONSTIPATION? hahaha....

However, I cried a little bit on the scene of Eun Jo, browsing through Youtube(ehem..sponsor..hehe) of a baby. You're so cute Eun Jo! You anticipated the baby too...

But my most favorite scene of the scene at the balcony! Seung Jo ah..You are such a tease..Telling your wife your baby shouldnt have a brain like hers but...CARRIES her to BED afterwards. I FREAKED out hearing THAT MUCH NEEDED SONG TITLE of HOWL, only to see the door...OH THAT DOOR..The PD loves teasing us...

The next episode's gonna be somewhat HEARTBREAKING as a new girl comes along, claiming to be Seung Jo's first kiss. She seems to be more IRRITABLE than Hae Ra dont you think? I feel for Ha Ni this time. Knowing your husband's first kiss aren't you...When Seung Jo is her FIRST EVERYTHING. First crush. First love. First kiss...uhm..First sex.(ok..that was random..hahaha). However, I would like to see Seung Jo get jealous more. That was the scene I was anticipating to see..basing from the manga...But oh well...LET'S SEE!!

Added notes:

Regarding how to watch the episodes with subs, when you watch the videos, THERE IS A CC BUTTON on the lower right side. When you click that, you can choose between English, Chinese, depending on your language..It's not hard...Dont worry...^^


  1. lol... i must be the only not mad at the door.. kk
    anyways, i think khj looks like byj most.. but i also think he has angles where he really looks liki yamapi... you don't see it?
    and i never noticed it but you're right about lee dong gun!

  2. LOL :D :D
    "First sex" That was really random :)) Thumps up Kathy!

  3. on Yamapi, maybe on some the poses and stuff..But I really dont see it..hehe..On LDG yes...On BYJ A LOT!


    HAHAHAHAHA! I was caught in my words..FIRST EVERYTHING..Then I realized.OMO! What to call the S word..OH well..just sex.haha


  4. Now the first "sex" part is soo random. FTW! I really love reading your entries ate kath. *reminder: there's a teen reading here* LOL. I must say, REMOVE THAT DOOR!!!! :d

  5. Oh, hahaha so we find ourselves pining for more...Oh yes, I also want to see that colleague Kotoko had who desperately wanted to get her from Irie and almost convinced Kotoko. Because I want to see SeungJo really get so maddeningly angry and jealous hehehe I am so sorry for mentioning this after seeing another HaNi rival, I wanted to see this part even more. Oh yes, Howl's song is really such a tease, it was the song playing in the honeymoon scene...I wish that they made a few passionate kisses on the way to the bedroom. hahaha Well, I want to see SeungJo Jr. I wonder how they will show it since a passionate love scene followed at the tailend of HaNis birthday(so sorry again, although this was already mentioned earlier)...Perhaps indicate after a year. I want to see the little boy fast (the anime showed a girl). EP 3 The Making of Junior Baek Seung Jo is really so warm and so cute!!! so sorry again for this long comment, its becoming a habit hehehe...agnes

  6. is it okay to watch ep 4 on this coming Tuesday?
    cuz it is so irritating to watch someone who claimed that she was bsj's first kiss..duh..
    poor hani :(

    i guess i'm too excited and overly love this drama hehe..

  7. Poor Hani...:(
    Watching the preview, I was thinking why SJ had to say mean things to Hani at that moment...!
    SJ don't be mean to Hani she's the one you love~
    I'm looking forward to a HAPPY ENDING though. ;)

  8. SeungJo never changed to ridicule HaNi in front of other people. I remember SeungJo does that also even when HaeRa is around. HaeRa was surprised why SeungJo is mean to HaNi and told SeungJo about it and wishing that SeungJo would also be mean to her(wish niya lang yon)...It means that SeungJo is being himself and comfortable as himself with HaNi but can't be natural like that with other women. HaNi accepts SeungJo as himself...inspite of that HaNi still loves him...I guess because of HaNis happy disposition. HaNi believes that there is something good in every person. And that is also one of the reasons why SeungJo loves HaNi so much for loving him as he is. SeungJo does show his love HaNi in so many ways. When there are things SeungJo wants to change or improve in HaNi, SeungJo does it in a way that only HaNi can respond to which SeungJo already mastered...a goal so difficult but can still be possibly done and part of it is ridiculing her ^_^ Cheer up girls!!! ^_^

  9. Love your comment girls...

    LONG indeed..but...hahaha...I LOVE THEM!

  10. it was a cute episode eventhough was desappointed at the closed door , wish they show a BTS about their reaction after closing the door , I'm sure they both laughed so much , those two are so perfect for each other . a jealous hani will be nice to watch , I know we saa that before butwe saw a jealous SJ too , Keita's story in the anime was very good also but don't think we will watch that in those mini episodes .
    I'm eagely waiting for tuesday's epi becoz I want to see how SJ will make it for haniwill miss this serial very much and will miss this cute couple very much

  11. Another love rival kind of story is really repeating itself way from their high school days to not long ago's hateful HyeRa (she being so much more intelligent, prettier, richer and always wearing sexy short shorts still couldn't get SJ and still lost to Hani)and the honeymoon slut.
    There are so many other stories, why do we have to watch Hani cry and get humiliated by SJ because of another woman? It is such a pain to watch!

  12. Oh, how I love SJ naughty comments..."today will be the new special night" Gosh!
