Monday, November 1, 2010

YouTube Playful Kiss-Special Edition Broadcast Episode Title

I am ON HIGH!!!!!!!!!Never been happier on NOVEMBER 1!!!!

Here are the per episode title!!!

Credits: Doubleana
Korean Translation: miyo

Broadcast Episode Title
1. 2nd November (Tuesday) Morning of the newly wed!
2. 3rd Novermber (Wednesday) Fear of injection!
3. 4th November (Thursday) Making of Jr Baek Seung Jo!
4. 9th November (Tuesday) Baek Seung Jo is my hubby!
5. 10th November (Wednesday) Baek Seung Jo defending the patient!
6. 11th November (Thurdsday) Driving is difficult!
7. 16th November (Tuesday) Happy Birthday!
Special Footage 1 17th November (Wednesday) Special Edition Making Film & NG cut
Special Footage 2 18th November (Thursday) Special Edition Making Film & NG cut


  1. waaahhh!!! so excited!! i may not be able to sleep tonight!!

  2. nov 4-MAKING OF BAEK SUNG JO JR???? is this what im thinking??? and for 10 minutes??? MAJOR MAJOR NOSEBLEEEEDD if it is!!!!!

  3. MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR WAHHHH on November 4!!!!!!!!!

  4. yay! baek jr?indeed major major bwaaaahhaha


  5. Aigoo!!! I cant help but shout!!!!


  6. gosh,..
    i'm so excited..'s such a waste why they didnt make it 30 minutes/episodes..
    but ,it's nice already we can watch the special editions..
    ugh,i can't wait till tomorrow

  7. I am really happy that it is a boy instead of a girl! One whole episode of making Baek Seung Jo junior...I am so excited to see what it would be like. Oh this is really so short but nevertheless we still have the 7 episodes to look forward to. Do you think there is another serious rival for HaNis love and SeungJos seriously getting jealous? My guess that they will be lots of cute scenes and two steamy scenes(4th&7th) hahaha ^_^ agnes

  8. I miss hearing those OSTs at the beginning and end of the episodes ^_^ agnes

  9. I want to ask ..
    how I see the prime playful youtobe special kiss, to see where? in his youtobe? please answered

  10. Please see the links at the right hand corner above the shoutbox. or subscribe or add ytkiss as a friend at this link.
    The channel was open last 11 October...

  11. 3 weeks of PK Heaven!!! yipee!!!
    Noona D

  12. Anon 5:04

    Thank you for giving her the link!!

    I CANT WAIT!!!

  13. what a feeling! jjang daebak!

  14. h ! i wanna know if anyone here knows what's the phone used in Playful Kiss Special Edition ? not the Samsung Anycall's NORi -F ... the one Oh HaNi used to find "English Breakfast" .. thanks a lot ! :)

  15. Hello ther! its an ANDROID LEXUS PHONE..^^
