Monday, November 8, 2010

The Star in a Shrinking World : Kim Hyun Joong

I find this article really great too, but hesitated at first to post since it wasn't made for my blog..However, since GUEST(which I really hope, you'll give me your name,I beg..^^) recommends it a lot, then here it is!


Written by Aprilstar for
Posted 08 November 2010

Once upon a time, in Beijing, a group of Journalists amazed at the surge of Korean dramas and music outside of the country of origin started calling it the Hallyu phenomenon. Hallyu signify the  crossborder cultural spread   of popular culture from South Korea to neighboring countries. It has now spread to the entire world. The spread has been quick, in real time and on demand due to the technology and programs that allowed instant access to almost any event, show, news and many others .
Somebody said the world is now flat-I think it means the world is now at your finger tips in your flat screens. The flat  screen of computer  is fast replacing television as the medium to know the world. The world is shrinking as we viewed together, tweeted together – we have become a community.  Mass culture is never the same again.
There was a time the entertainment mecca in Asia was Hongkong . Hongkong was Asia’s Las Vegas. Performers  needed to go there to show what they’ve got  and to be names etched in entertainment land . Next came Japan . When Japan opened its doors to foreign entertainers and more so to Asia’s television programs , stars who were in them were made . It has been said, the next market and the   biggest one is China. Korean stars and their management companies have increasingly turned their  attention to China .
While stars are still being made in the traditional way – live performance and audience driven, entertainment in popular  culture today is fueled by access to it -shrinking our distance and  dispelling the notion we are still geographically challenged . The internet and everything else that we can do through it has  turned  old habits upside down.
Kim Hyun Joong came at the right time.  Though like the others before him , used the traditional way to ascend the firmament of entertainment. He, too, after initial activities in his homeland went to Japan with his band ,the SS501 . Then he guested in variety and reality shows , tried his hands in mini dramas and finally landed a drama that can be considered a turning point in his career. Without missing a beat he resumed with his band mates, concert tours of several Asian countries giving him further exposure . Of course those who cannot be there to watch him live  saw what transpired in the event to our heart’s content thousand times via YouTube provided by his enthusiastic fans. The world followed his development . We practically saw him grow before our very eyes .
Kim Hyun Joong  did his part. He was armed to the teeth so to speak with many talents genetically endowed and honed by nurture, good looks, the work ethic, the never-say-die attitude . He did not come empty handed. He did his homework and many times to the extent of sacrificing his health . He took the  risks but he was at the same time prepared to give his all.  He has sowed fertile seeds and took good care of them .  It is now time to harvest –a bountiful harvest .
The internet brought Kim Hyun Joong within our reach.  He talked to us, wrote to us , showed us what talents he got and we in turn responded back . We searched for him in Yahoo , Googled him 24/7, we patronized his activities , bought products  and merchandise with his pictures and endorsements.  We organized groups to support him in any way we can. We in turn develop  astounding relationships  though we lived far away from  each other. We learned skills we have not even dreamt of learning before and shared them like making fa narts, writing essays and poems, opening and maintaining  blogs and forums, organizing across the oceans, giving to the less fortunate inspired by his generosity . Kim Hyun Joong brought out the best in us.
We emotionally connected with Kim Hyun Joong . We shared his pains ,laughed with his funny moments, cried with him when we saw his tears , we cheered him on and were proud when he received his well deserved awards .
We are one community and we have embraced Kim Hyun Joong . He is our world star, but he is also our friend , our son, our brother . In a way ,Kim Hyun Joong redefined what it meant to be a star even though he was propelled by the hallyu wave . He is also the cultural bearer of Asian culture , for a time swept to   the backburner by western mass  culture. Now that Asian culture is reinvigorated among us as we see common threads, similar values and aspirations .
Today , he is riding the crest of that wave with more and more of the world giants recognizing him.      YouTube  of Google was first to notice  Kim hyun Joong’s  international popularity. The potential that perhaps they saw is now evidence based with the record million views and thousands international comments of the seven episode extensions  of his most recent work, Playful Kiss .  Kim Hyun Joong has already left his mark in the annals of internet history. CNN was not to be left behind in this, as it wants to investigate this phenomenon by interviewing him, Youtube  and the drama production executives . The Asian Games Committee in China this year also understood  Kim Hyun Joong’s appeal by inviting him to share in the honor of singing the theme song  of the event .
If only Emperor  Jumong  and the other dynastic leaders  after him can see  Kim Hyun Joong now  they would have seen him conquer the world without sword  and without blood .
That’s it for now!


  1. It is alright, when I will resend this both KB and HP blogspots will be credited and the link used will be KB^^ Thanks a lot^^ I am uncomfortable to see my name in the posts so it is alright that you put guest^^

  2. Aigoo!hehe!

    Thank you girl for all the help on the links you have been giving me!!!

  3. "We emotionally connected with Kim Hyun Joong . We shared his pains ,laughed with his funny moments, cried with him when we saw his tears , we cheered him on and were proud when he received his well deserved awards ."

    I think that's why we're so interested in him. He wears his heart on his sleeve and goes into things without pretense. <3

  4. Thanks for sharing this to us Kathy. The writer said it well, the writer said it all! There is nothing closer to the truth than what I read above. KHJ is "IT" in Korean entertainment and may now be considered the new Hallyu Star. And he will be reaping success more and more. KHJ indeed has arrived! Tarits Unnie

  5. Thank you for sharing the thoughts! The writer has written a lot of things that're in my mind. He definitely helped my best out of myself as well.
    When I saw him and learned about him, I felt something was unusual and unique about him, I observed carefully, and felt that there were devotion and love for his job and for his fans that were so deep and unique.
    Something that only he has... that's hard to say in one word or in few sentences. Something very unique - more than Charisma or talent. Love perhaps? Love toward what he is doing, and love toward his family and friends, and love for his fans? and love for the world and nature?

    His love is making lots of us all over the world to be one, and happy together. It is interesting to be one of them, and I am so happy to be one of them. Any fan of KHJ is like my friend wherever they live, whoever we are, whatever we do.

    I hope KHJ and all is fans will be happy always and propagate this love, happiness, and friendship.

    Thanks for posting this!

  6. I think this article BEST describes the PHENOMENON...that is KIM HYUN JOONG!!!

    The fact that ALL his TALENTS, HARDWORK, DEDICATION & LOVE for his craft has gained universal recognition & finally Hallyu FAME is just a testament to the world that Asians can also MAKE IT..despite all the ODDS!!!

    Let's just pray & hope that his management would take care of his that he could show us even more of his AWESOMENESS for a long time to come!!!
    Noona D

  7. Well done! The article focused how KHJ made his mark as budding Korean star and how he is slowly penetrating (sorry for this word!sound gory!!hahaha!)the entertainment universe through internet (youtube) and his endless promotional projects!

    @ Noona D:
    heheheh! I love his total awesomeness!I feel young just by looking at his gorgeous smiles!

    Cheers !- Markii Rose!

  8. This article said it all!!!!...We are indeed a big one happy Kim Hyun Joong family!!!!...gracia

  9. I think it fit to show these videos again of Leader's humble beginnings as a trainee, when he debuted in SS501. Leader as a child, a student and when Leader began acting. I must watched these videos several times and they still amuse me until now. It was previously deleted now thanks to lovetheshiningshun, we can watch them again. Imagine Leader going to a bank as a child, maybe looking like Choi Won Hong^^ for his daily savings. I believe that Leader is really intelligent and topped his class although later on realized his interests are more into music. Leader belonged to Axers, a rock band, it must have a riot when they performed in school too. Leader's charms easily gets him attention even when he was younger^^ These videos also mentions about guitar playing during church meetings/activities but Leader seldom attended when he started becoming a trainee and debuted for SS501...What is most important here is that we realize after watching these videos, is that Leader is still the same humble, smart, intelligent, funny, natural and straightforward guy who still thinks of the most importants F's in his life, family, friends and his fans but has grown so much as a star...Leader has become a better singer, the sexiest dancer, a perfect endorser/model, a very charming host, a better actor, a total and versatile performer^^ A New Hallyu sensation!!!^^

  10. Nothing beats hard work and the right attitude towards attaining one's goals as sure surefire formula for success.But HJ put in some more ...he is different from the other stars...he pulled us in his orbit ,in his universe. In effect, he became even more than the typical Hallyu star, he is bigger ,brighter and most loved.

  11. i never thought that he turned out to be really big already...i love the write up about did there is really something about him that make many people love him...after i hav seen his kdrama boys over flower i started to like him been over gaga with him that i find diff. videos of him over the web to get to know him more...and when i did i just found that his such a natural pretension or what so ever about his personality...what u see is what U get to him....

    His nice, quit but a really funny guy....^_^ love him forever...the only that i really follow so much....and im enjoying it.....that is why i'm glad to hav found this and some website that really follow him in that way as i did follow any progress and success of KHJ's life....komawo kathy^_^
