Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Playful KISS Special BTS Part 2

This is the video I was talking about that I posted last night but was at DAUM..Finally its on Youtube!

WATCH!!THESE are the BTS all HYUNMIN shippers are waiting for!!

Credits: Momopor; cafe.daum.kimhyunjoong

From imMischievous..This one's got something that the above vids dont have...


  1. I'm speechless... Don't tell me they're not in love!!!

  2. OMG! LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! THANK YOU for sharing. I can't stop squeeliiiiiiiiiing!


    THE BTS say it all!!!!


  4. I think they are in love indeed! I can feel it! I believe they really have physical attraction to each other. Just look at the way KHJ kissed, hugged & carried JSM, waaaaahhhhhhhhh, I can't stop re-watching it!

  5. my gosh! looking these vids especially their actions, no doubt they have feeling to each other 501% hahaha woooohh!!!! i'm sooo happy!!!

    got to work now hehe


  6. hey guys! did you notice the last vid at 2:26? watch it and you will know what i mean. i hope you can got it!

  7. i noticed that as well 2.26 a pat on the back and what's more is jsm smiling shyly.

    Love is in the airrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    i keep on rewatching video 2-4
    where khj is carrying jsm (practise) and he jokingly act like he's tired after carrying her so many times and then jsm said something like " OPPA YAAAA" and knowing jsm will hit him, he grab her fist and pat her in the back. so sweet

  8. omo! wonder what he was saying during the rain kiss bts i heard about their lips and about kisses and then so min can't stop laughing shyly. oh i so love this couple!

  9. ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ^_^

  10. Wow Kathy! There are so many...Thank you very much!!!
    I wish these videos are with Eng Subs but thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

  11. paano na ako ngayon? jokkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeee! omooooooooooooooooo! I will try to control myself! I will try ignore what I am seeing! I will try to think that I am imagining things because I wish not to be disappointed! I hope what we are seeing is true! ^_^

  12. Can't believe this.....
    For me, it's tooooooo obvious!!!!!!!!
    Or is it my own wrong interpertation??????
    Teach me girls, what is "LOVE"!!!!!!!!
    I'm speechless.......OMG!!!!!!!
    Just wonder what are the fans reaction on these....

  13. Ooooh they are having fun! It reminds of me of...yeeee! They are flirting with each other...I wish I saw these cute comments myself in that island hahaha

  14. wow...just wow! they're really close behind the camera..i just wish i could understand what they're talking about...
    i wonder video 2-3, is that so min taking the video? i think its her voice and her laugh..

  15. this BTS videos are even BETTER than the episodes themselves...cuz we see Joongie at his most natural, funny 4D self!!! If only they were subbed!!!!
    honestly..I'm sooooo jealous of Jung So MIN right now!!!!! aigooo..their rapport!!! & how comfortable they are w/ each only "real lovers" would act!!!
    Noona D

  16. im so jealous of JSM ...hyun joong so playful & fun to be with ...

    but whatever it is i will always support him long as his happy happy too

  17. Wow!! Just WOW!!!
    The BTS footage says it all....they are SO IN LOVE!!!!!!!

  18. I mean, there is SO MUCH evidence in these BTS where KHJ and JSM are acting as themselves and not acting...
    I'm a little jealous, but mostly I'm really happy for them. KHJ will have his wish of not spending Christmas alone this year after all. ^^

  19. what's going on between them, I dont know what to call, but whatever it is, its making both of them super happy and comfortable with each other. ANd can I say its making me suuuuper gidddy:) kyahh!

  20. Hey everyone, just to let you know that the subs for the youtube edition is now up at your support..

  21. ok...forgive me for my minjoong radar is so up today...all these bts makes me hyper (kat, i know you are too)...just want to mention some things i noticed on the vids...
    1. in the 2nd vid at 4:00, though i couldn't understand what joong was saying, i just love the way he pushed so min back and hugged her again (like its the most natural thing to do) even if the pd already instructed them what to do...i guess joong just wanted the scene to be perfect...practice makes perfect, right?
    2. in the 3rd vid, i love how joong teased so min to throw her off the cliff..its! at 1:53, i noticed that joong was about to make a move to touch so min but held back (hallucination?! or have you seen it too?)...and at 2:06-2:15, i love love love both thier reactions when so min touched joong's adorable...and i know in what scene so min tasted like chewing gum...its the honeymoon...hahaha!! bad, bad boy remembered that?! hmmm...
    3. in the vid 2-5 at 1:54, did so min lost her balance during the kiss? seems like her knees buckled...haha...affected? i could have passed that off as just being in an awkward position but at 1:59, is that a satisfied smile i see on joong's face? and so min was just looking down... little boy, what did you do?...i don't understand what they were saying after the filming but i think they were talking about the kiss, this is one of those times that i want to enroll in a language school and learn korean..hahaha!! obsessed much??!! not really! lol!

    ok...i have to end here...this is already a long post.. kat, sensya na..haha!!... or else, i would be talking about how both of them laughs at little things said by each other or how both of them seem to like touching each other... haha..i could go on and on when it comes to this two...but really... have to stop myself...
    minjoong! fighting!!

    kat, sorry :) hehe

  22. My MinJoong heart is so happy today....

    I really like how HJ took lead in rehearsal their intimate scenes. As the man should do :)

  23. Aww..he was totally staring at her for a brief second at video 2-4 at 3:10..he's soo tricky..staring at her when she doesn't even noticed..

    Oh vinz, the last video that you mentioned(2-5) is actually 2-4..dang you are sure observing it little by little..LOL..So did I, and I've watched it so many freakn time already..

  24. LOOOOOL guys , the little tiny thing about those two makes us go ga ga :P
    I so wish they are a couple in real life becoz I loved their interraction off screen too , but I'm still stopping my mind and heart from flying away in the dream world ( just like OHN ) so I won't be disappointed if it turns ( and there's a high probability of that ) that nothing is happening between those two .
    but anyway I loved the BTS ( loved how KHJ was making JSM always laughing )and I so wish they were with english subtitles so I can undestand what they were saying .

  25. they both going to miss each other company once filming finish. =(

    can't wait for their reunion during the overseas promotion

  26. anon 5:39,

    thanks for the!! it was just one of my oh hani!

    i don't expect them to be a couple in real life, though... coz chances are, they won't be... i just hope they retain the closeness and friendship they had during filming :)

    @kutu_loncat.. i agree, i think they're going to miss each other's company after everything

  27. I see all your comments and all I can do is...SCREAM!


  28. who said that they are missing each other when the filming ended?? i think we forgot the hitech communication like celphones, emails, etc..i bet, there's a special hidden feelings between these two by looking their bts, especially when 7:30AM mentioned that there's something happen around @2:26 & yes i got it too! a pat on the back of jsm. we know that there is a meaning behind of khj's actions on that scene...yeah i'm agree too @9:54AM! is in the air:D air!!!!!!!!!

  29. gals, did so min filming hj in 2-2 & 2-3 vids? i heard her voice and the laughs i think

  30. And with all the Overseas promotion they'll be doing in the 11 Asian countries that have bought PK rights, imagine how much more time they'll have to be side by side! Plane rides (maybe?), same hotel (maybe?), interviews, photo shoots, conferences, fan meetings, etc...
    Man, JSM is the luckiest girl in the world, in my eyes.
    She got to know the real KHJ, not the public figure KHJ and now even has a place in his a friend, as a co-worker, as a girlfriend (maybe?)....but whatever it is, she got to be really close to him....
    I'm envious!

  31. OMO!!! Every little thing I post about HyunMin is a hit!!

    I agree with Anon 2:54 am,

    JSM is the luckiest girl in the world...More than sharing onscreen romance with him, he got to see the real side of Hyun Joong. No pretentions..Just the real Hyun Joong...


  32. Yup! Something's going on. It's JSM's reaction that is more telling. And KHJ thought he did it inconspicuously?

  33. Anyone know how the Korean fans reacted to this BTS? I'm so curious to know their reactions!




  35. this is only drama. After filming end, everything is end. Remember JoongBo?

  36. same goes to joongbo..wgm tv show is over so long ago...and its only a TV VARIETY SHOW to entertain people.after the TV VARIETY SHOW filming ends,everything is ended as well...

  37. hyun joong and so min...lovely and sweet couple...both of you r just too perfect...

  38. the two leads are the epitome of cuteness, the mind forgets but the heart always remember, hope to see them as very good friends

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