Sunday, November 14, 2010

Notice from Key East 11.11.10

Thanks to Lynne for telling me about this on twitter. It was kinda late for this to be translated as this was KEYEAST notice before the Asian Games. But still, here it is comes.


Korean-English Translation: Wonderrrgirl @

[Kim Hyun Joong's Asian Games Opening Ceremony stage, to all the fans, please give lots of support. - 2010-11-12]

Hello, this is KeyEast.

The harsh winds had already graze our noses and the winter is approaching.

Kim Hyun Joong wants to tell all the fans to be careful of catching a flu, and hopes that everyone will be keeping warm and well.

Previously, on the 10th, Kim Hyun Joong visited Japan and attended the in Japan.

Standing together with Japan's most popular stars side by side on the stage, not only did he receive the honour of getting the 'Best Dressed' award, he also wrapped up his schedule in Japan with an enjoyable time.

All the fans who had been on the scene to cheer for him, always giving him love as ever, to both domestic and foreign fans we really thankful from the bottom of our hearts.

Kim Hyun Joong wrapped up his schedule in Japan and left the country to prepare for his performance at the Asian Games Opening Ceremony in China.

At present, for viewers of all over the world who will be seeing him on stage, he has been fully focused on examinating the final checks of his performance without distractions.

Representing Korea at the biggest Asian festival, the Asian Games Opening Ceremony, as a singer, to all the fans, please do give lots of support for Kim Hyun Joong on the stage.

In future, KeyEast and Kim Hyun Joong will soar to greater heights and do our very best.
Thank you.



  1. Kim Hyun Joong is in the fringes of HALLYU Superstardom & he, more than any other Korean entertainer..DESERVES ALL the FAME & ACCOLADES he's getting, of late!!!
    Not only can he SING, DANCE,HOST,ACT...but pours ALL his HARDWORK, DEDICATION & LOVE to everything he does!!!
    I'm just hoping that Keyeast also takes into consideration...his health & much as we, his fans are always eager for his future projects...we also are much concerned, that he gets to rest, cuz he looks so frail & pale these days!!! ...but still as handsome as ever, of course!!!
    Noona D

  2. heads up new ockoala update...spoilers for episode 7...but its not good news :( :( :( am very sad because my expectations were high.
