Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[News] Kim Hyun Joong states SS501 will not be disbanding

Ok..I deleted my previous post because there was some doubt as to the news is real or not. Turns out, it is real? Coz the photo is new...So yeah...Im posting it again..


SS501’s leader Kim Hyun Joong strongly affirmed that that SS501 will not be disbanding.

In a recent interview, he stated, “With our members branching out into different companies, many wonder whether SS501 is disbanding or not. We were only able to move companies because we had confirmed with one another that we would continue to work as a group under the name of SS501.”

He continued, “During that time when our contracts expired, there was no company that would take in all five of us.”
Regarding SS501’s future activities, he answered, “For now, we’ll do solo albums for a bit. We’re planning to get together for a performance. Due to our companies being different, it’s difficult to get our schedules coordinated, but it will get done.”
Kim Hyun Joong concluded the interview by expressing his friendship with the other members. “I get in contact with the members every single day. Hyung Joon once said that I ignored one of his text messages at the press conference for his musical, but that’s not what happened. I was in China for the ‘Guangzhou Asian Games‘. I called him right away after the event.”


  1. yes! SS501 will come back soon!!!!

    Maknae is in trouble, naughty boy hehe. i miss them all perform on stage. i bet, whole world will watch them of their come back.


  2. I became a fan of kimhyunjoog form BOF, then I know ss501, and then I lle all the members in SS501.
    I feel sad when I read hyunjoong said "there was none of the company would take in five of them by the time of their contract expire"Hha.... i wish I
    can find the way to keep SS501 members under same company.
    I wish all of the SS501 member have every success in their future. I am looking forward to their new albums, MV and live show. I am ready to participate.

  3. Maknae, yari ka ^_^ Yes, I wish too that they will all be in the same company. I pray that someday there will be another company that will take all of them^^ agnes

  4. Kathy,

    One of the chinese forum ( said that this had been confirmed is NOT a true news and you can no longer find this news in Korea web... you better double confirm your source...

  5. Yes, I read that too that this has been deleted but there is a note that it was reposted again. We will always AKP news as all unconfirmed news especially after what happened with the Guangzhou Asian Games news, right Kathy? It is not the fault of the owner of the blog if indeed this bit of news is false...the Singaporean fansboard did the same for all AKP sourced posts^^

  6. Here is the link to the AKP post
    and the link to the source of AKP
    It is Joongang Daily
    Anon 2:53am Normally if indeed AKP post is accurate do you go to Joongang Daily or to AKP post? Viewers should decide to believe if posts are accurate or not? We already know what kind of news AKP posts...

  7. i wonder why HJB always saying bad to KHJ when he got an interview appearance or he is just only teasing leader. anyway, i still support them but i've known ss501 because of hyunjoong.
