Monday, November 15, 2010


Saw this over at Minjoong thread at Soompi..Love love love love it..!!

Credit: The_Zephyr


1st Analysis
This analysis was written wholly upon seeing the sweet interactions between the two. As a fan of a show, when I see that the on-screen couple has sweeter interactions off-cam than on-cam, it is hard not to spazz. The pictures and words below are all from my own opinion. Agree or not, as much as I respect the private lives of artistes, I would still want to leave some space for my own spazzing/imagination. I do not know whether JSM and KHJ are together, want to be together or are related in any way. However I do know that from the BTS videos, I could see that they share a sweet and close relationship. 

Actually, I am seldom into couple-shipping. Up till now, I only have done this for two other couples, when both parties were still single. One is Nodame Cantabile's Hiroshi Tamaki and Ueno Juri and the other is Autumn's Concerto's Vanness Wu and Ady An. (some unimportant information eliminated) 

One would know whether the male and female lead of a show are attracted to each other just by looking at the way they stand together. JSM and KHJ give me the same feeling I had for the two other couples mentioned above. During the first press conference, the actors and actresses had already worked together for some time. Their relationship was at the stage of familiarising with each other. Thus their relationship was caught in between the two extremes of familiarity, neither here nor there, resulting in the politeness and formalities. However the way they had presented themselves is real. Although I do not find Playful Kiss itself extremely good, JSM and KHJ undoubtedly acted out the characters skillfully. At least even until now I still cannot think of any other artistes who could replace their roles as BSJ and OHN. 

2010.08.26 First Press Conference

From the start I already have had confidence in the chemistry between the two. Although in the beginning of the show we could not see much interactions between the two from fancams, it is actually normal. This is because fans only video what they like to see. However, as official BTS videos were released, I realised that the relationship between the two is better than what I had expected haha. 

Undoubtedly they have gone through a stage where they were not familiar with each other, but on hindsight, the interactions they had in the beginning were interesting.

2010.7.17 First meeting~Zero eye contact~They even had Lee Tae Sung to stand in between themXDD

Attentively rehearsing their lines~Reading in a way as if they were reading a textbook~Monotonous (very normal) 

2010.07.19 Second Rehearsal of Scripts

Atmosphere was filled with unfamiliarity and awkwardness 

As they were in an unfamiliar environment, their actions and emotions were restricted. It seems that the two of them are those who are slow to become familiar with othersXD Upon saying funny lines, they only smile very lightlyXDDD

KHJ: (smile)

JSM: (smile)

An interesting point to note was that, probably as the lines were very interesting, KHJ started trying to initiate some interactions with the unfamiliar JSM. 

KHJ: (turns his head)

JSM: (smiles lightly)

I find JSM very nervous here. When someone is nervous, he/she will always feel like drinking water and JSM was already finishing her bottle of waterXD KHJ's still had at least 1/4 of water left. Of course, this could also be that they were really thirstyXD 

Their first display of chemistry. Even the subtitles was: Male and Female lead drink water at the same time. However, in my opinion, their display of chemistry was not only this.

Resting their heads on their hands~

Tilting their heads~ JSM was already more relaxed then~she started to have some little actions, e.g. pushing the chair a little

KHJ still wanting to have eye contact with JSM XD 金賢重依舊不放棄要得到庭妹的眼神就是了XD

JSM: Do you know Super Junior? (smiles lightly) 

KHJ: I'm more familiar with ss501 

2010.07.23 First shooting in studio 

As their first scene was already a kiss scene, although KHJ seemed calm, JSM was very shy and did not know what to do, resulting in her shy smile. 

Actually JSM has already let down her guard during this shooting as she would subconsciously hit KHJ during NGs. This might be a habit of hers but when she shows her habits, it means that she has already let down her guard. 

2010.Beginning of August

After which, they started a tight shooting schedule. I feel that the start of some interactions between the two was during this interview. This is because before this, JSM seemed to be closer to Lee Tae Sung since she addresses Lee Tae Sung as 'oppa'. During this interview, her addressing KHJ as 'sunbae' made KHJ burst into laughter (From the fact that they had not discussed how they should address each other, it can be seen that the two did not have much interactions during the shooting). In the end his response caused JSM to laugh very happily, and JSM very naturally used her hand to hit himXDDDD

KHJ seemed to be very satisfied with this response. He himself couldn't stop laughing and even turned to look at JSM.

Lee Tae Sung on the other hand seemed left out. I realised that JSM really understands the jokes KHJ makesXDDD (Eventually unleashing KHJ's 4Dness) 

2010.End of July or Start of August (Should be before the poster shooting)

Zero interactions while waiting for the actual shooting. They kept smiling to themselvesXDDD

However, I totally love JSM's smile in this photo>/////<


KHJ apologised after he kept pinching JSM's cheekXDDD

This scene was more nonsensical. Both were very happy and the atmosphere was harmonious.


After finishing his lengthy lines with great pains, JSM NG-ed XDDD

KHJ: It's Okay (without even looking at JSMXDDDDD Starting to be able to make fun of JSM)

2010.8.26 First Press Conference

This is very different from how JSM laughs at every word KHJ says nearing the end of the shooting. Regardless whether JSM has more or less scenes with which of the two, during that time JSM was indeed closer to Lee Tae Sung. 

Nevertheless, KHJ's words made JSM burst into laughter~JSM really loves to laughXDDD

In my opinion, the first press conference was a crucial turning point. During that time, they have already started filming for about one month. Artistes do behave differently, privately and to the media. If KHJ did not have a certain level of confidence, he would not have showed his interest in JSM (Afterwhich I realise that he is really the more dominant character in their relationship). On the other hand, JSM was still considering whether to get closer to him (after which she didXD). In the BTS videos before this, the two had little interactions and eye contact. Thus, smiles seemed to be polite yet not overbearing. From the BTS videos, we could see that KHJ has a humorous character. This is a way to neutralise the awkward atmosphere and break uncomfortable silences(KHJ should be someone who is scared of an awkward atmosphere). 

Also, KHJ was interviewed about his takes on love during his trip to Japan to shoot his First Love Story Photobook in mid-August. (Words highlighted in green are my interpretation of his words)

I like polite and smart girls-- JSM only addressed him as 'sunbae' before she was told otherwise. JSM was admitted to Seoul Arts University as a scholar and because she was the first in standard.

Furthermore, she only likes me--JSM is a piscean. Female Pisceans do. 

I do not mind whether she has double eyelids or not--JSM has single eyelids 

As long as she looks nice and cute, it's okay--JSM is super KAWAII (cute) 

It doesn't matter whether she's tall or short--JSM is quite short, I guess not exceeding 160 

I don't like flirtatious girls--JSM has excellent self-discipline 

Some people fall in love at first sight, while some develop feelings after a long time. The latter can be seen on the two. 


2010.8.26 First Press Conference

KHJ seemed to feel worried for JSM as it was the first time she has to face the large number of media reporters in the capacity of a lead actress. Thus, he turned to talk to her for awhile. However, JSM looked jumpy and nervous, only concerned with handling the situation she's facing and finishing her words as quickly as possible.

Following which was the on-stage interview, during which I realised the nonsensical side of KHJ hahaha
(spouts nonsense) KHJ: Hani is also my ideal type, if she likes me.... (turns to JSM) Do you like me? 
Here, he used 'Hani' instead of JSM, but Hani clearly likes Seungjo in the show. Thus, it is obvious that he did not have confidence whether JSM likes him or notXDDDD


Afterwards it was the private interview by MBC. 

KHJ clearly was the one who asked JSM whether she liked him just now. In order to salvage his 'reputation' (save face), he said that he did not have any feelings for her at the beginning of the shooting.

JSM did not know how to respond to this. In response to KHJ's question, whether she feels sad, she replied: No
But JSM~~Actually KHJ wanted to hear you say: I feel sadXDDD

Then, the reporter asked JSM who was the one livening up the atmosphere on set. JSM said that it was Lee Tae Sung instead!!!!

KHJ looked stunned: Why isn't it me >< (I finally understand why he didn't have confidenceXDDDD)

To be continued............ 


  1. can't see the photos...

  2. where are the images?

  3. it's a great analysis kathy, i love it...never mind i can't open the images, i've been seen on video upload by tomorrow...hope khj in love to the real life...

    can't wait the next part :)
    fighting kathy -sary-

  4. hehehe and i am waiting ur analysis for special episode 6 , the cute scene , love this ep much..

    when ha ni feeding seung's so real huaaa love it love it...

  5. very very interesting and awesome analysis!!! i love this. It makes me think that hey're true!! WOW, so happy if it could be real. Love to see them together. HyunMin is no1 in my heart :x i
    ll wait for part 2. Thankyou Kathy!! love you :*

  6. OK< putting aside all that has been said about the 2 of them whether they'll be a real couple or not blah3, just by watching the BTS I can see that they like each other and that's pretty obvious. That's enough said. Period.
    I'm glad for the both of them, for sure I think they would communicate by phone, nobody knows.
    btw, like how meticulous is your analysis. Can't wait for your part 2.

  7. I need to find an accurate analysis of the awesome HyunMin couple, perhaps an account based by a witness...what we have seen in the behind the scenes videos so far maybe a little bit beyond our understanding, we may want to speculate more beyond what we see because most of us still need to see it with our own very eyes. It is a fact that indeed they are very comfortable with each other. Leader has become himself with JSM and JSM has allowed herself to understand and like Leader for what he is which is very easy even for all of us fans^^ It is because of his looks, his humility, his concern for others, his generosity, his talent, his sincerity, his perseverance towards work, his humor and of course his straightforwardness and his intelligence. We were already mesmerized with pictures, videos and fan accounts, how much more JungSoMin who worked closely, had lots of cute, sweet moments, teasing and having fun together too, kiss and love scenes with Leader^^ Likewise, we also liked JungSoMins innocent looks, cuteness, simplicity but can be elegant, her shyness, her politeness, her humility, her happy disposition just by watching videos, reading articles and looking at pictures. How much more Leader who has more close encounters, a guy who found the qualities he liked in a girl in her(with reference to his first love interview back in 2008, First Love Story interview in Bali and at First Love Story interview at the fanmeeting in Japan).^^ So it is inevitable that they will like each other too^^ This is how I would like you to see it...girls girls girls I agree you are right!^^

  8. It is good article. Very interesting to read. Cannot wait for next, hopefully you will also write about 2nd press conference of youtube special. There was a lot of feedback from fan.
    Thanks so mcuh and I really to know your blog.

  9. THANKS to SOOMPI THE_ZEPHYR who created it and thanks reposting it here^^

  10. The_Zephyr, thank you very much for your great analysis . by reading this, i feel more inlove with this couple and i sense too that these two probably communicate by phones. yeah, agree more that they use EUNJO as excuses hehe. BTS says it all! and looking this couple i might say, action speaks louder than words haha


  11. hi sis, you got part 2 of this? thanks =)

