Saturday, November 6, 2010

Messages to Kim Hyun Joong

This video features only the 200 messages for Leader at the MK Finale Fanmeeting. But I know, there a lot more..if all of us gather together..

I actually cried watching the video. I dont even understand what was all written. It's Hyun Joong is well loved...

My personal message to Kim Hyun Joong:

Kim Hyun Joong ssii...I never realized I will get this far LOVING YOU..And I have never been happier..You made me anticipate every day more. When you're happy, I am happy.. When you're sad, I will be sad too. When many people attacked you, I cried heaps because I felt like I cant do anything for you. 
But now, I have found my voice. I will always..always PROTECT you no matter what Leader. Wherever you may be, though I am not physically there, I will be by your side. And I will never..ever DOUBT you.
Be Strong...Stay as the bubbly, generous and modest Kim Hyun Joong that you are. Cause I know, and we all know, that more than the handsome face that you have, is a great great heart. And we will love you more each day for that.
Above all..PLEASE BE HAPPY...And with you, we will stay happy too...
Saranghae Leader! Fighting!

So here is the video...Thanks to Agnes and Guest for the link...

Credit: hj0live


  1. Thanks Agnes,Guest and Kathy for sharing the vid. Many thanks to K-fans!
    Love your message, Kathy. Sooo sweet, lovely and sincere. Would be wonderful if he can see your message! Wonder if you'll also leave it on his OKS! Again, thank you very much Kathy for all time and hard work. Love your blog!

  2. Amy,

    Thank you!!Thank you!!! I hope he sees it too!

    Welcome dear!! For Hyun Joong, Hyunnies and PK, I will do my best!

  3. Thanks kathy... I too am a frequent visitor. Your blog is now a must-visit everyday!
    Thanks for doing so much for hyun-joong... We other noonas (presuming u're a noona too) out there salute you!
    Keep the love, keep the faith!
    We're all here with you together till the end... for our baby HJ of coz! =))
