Thursday, November 11, 2010


Another great article from Unnie Markii Rose!

Credit: Gladys Dulay for


Who says perfect KISS has to be FRENCH? PK die -hards are in extreme rampage again after BSJ kissed his OHN in one of the two remaining PK’s webisodes in Youtube last night! The sensational kiss was a clear indication  of  the hospitalized  young intern (BSJ), under the intense nursing care of his wife, OHN, who was not really sick at  all(hahahahh!!)! The show opened with OHN’s sincere prayer : hands clasped ; eyes sincerely shut and uttering only heartfelt prayers ( not sure whether she was praying for BSJ’s speedy recovery or for the al-natural kiss later in the webisode! Take your pick!). Indeed! The gods of mighty kisses must have heard OHN’s prayer. During the “22 seconds of the kissing”, an unratetable kiss has  super imposed  the  overwhelming sense of  chemistry  between the two characters. It was purely orgasmic and imaginative! No need for censorship there (hahahah!)!
However, to savor the kiss, let’s go back and dissect the genesis of it all!

To tongue or not to TONGUE? That is the (wow) question!

There was an undeniable and higher level of connection when the kiss happened. Of course! What do you expect? They have to portray a realistic “couple relationship” in the show! However as young actors, they seem to have a unique connection that would simply tell us that there is something special in and outside the surface! We can feel their heartbeats thumping in unison, enough to send shiver to our semi-rigid spine or hear how their breathing became shallow as they start to kiss! We all felt how they both died in euphoria during that kissing moment which radiated clearly in our computer screens! To prelude a win-win kiss, BSJ’s eyes  must project  an alluring and enticing look to soothe OHN’s trouble. But since KHJ was BSJ or BSJ is KHJ, that look was even sexier than we all  thought !Yes! It was a cloud nine experience dying for a background music intro of KHJ’s “One more time!” Webisode 5’s kiss was indeed the sweet and relaxed resurrection of PK’s Ep. 13 “rain kiss”! The components of that “rain kiss” were all present minus the cold and wet weather!! However, the ambiance of the hospital could have been better if OHN’s nurse uniform was a little bit kinky than the one she worn last night! It was a combination of “grandma-went-to-town uniform attire” while BSJ’s hospital gown was flowery and starry in full force (hahahhah!)!But those tiny mishaps did not spoil what was expected from them. How would you criticize BSJ’s gyrating jawline or even belittle the possibilities that both of their sweet-mother-of-tongues were playfully teasing each other? Further, BSK’s hands were really relaxed compared to OHN’s close-fisted one! She seemed to be little rattled even after four months of acting and kissing BSJ-slash-KHJ. But could this be a form of ackwardness due to untamed romantic emotions between unsuspected lovers?

In conclusion, another surge of adrenaline rush has been flooding the PK-landia—all thanks to the mighty  webisode 5’s kiss! The 22-second kiss brought heaven to our hearts and gave us chance to feel  addictingly “high” again! Thank you BSJ and OHN! Cheers!


  1. omo!..i love this analysis sooo much!..wanted to scream here at the office..hahahah..thanks for this!..oh goodness, can't get enough of our couple here!..really wishing something's going on between them ah! could they not?!?..they've been kissing all the time!..LOL!..and we want MORE! =)

  2. The article really speak our or i think most of PK addicts emotion towards the webisode 5!!! hahahaha..... i think this is the start of the hotter to hottest scenes.... wehehehe!!!!


  3. haha! thanks so much for this article! it really sparked up my interest. it really made me think hehe! well for me as i observed Hyun Joong, his kissing style is more of a "sucking the lips" style! omo i sound like a pervert! o well that's how i see it especially during the rain kiss. so maybe you can say his tongue may have been a participant in his kisses because you can't suck without tongue involvement. try it by sucking the back of your hand and you will see. OMO have to stop now. hahaha

  4. The analysing of the kissing scene was great, chemistry is there, not sure of true feelings. I think they are finally comfortable with each other,which in turn makes it easier to kiss when it comes to the kissing scene. KHJ has certainly develope into a fine actor. So Min, I think is still adjusting,but it's expected..majority of asian dramas are very discrete when it comes to this type of scenes, some even fade it out as the guy get closer then the girl. What we see now is just that Asian Drama has come far compare to what it was back then. So can be just like the movies here in the states because some Korean actors either grew up here or were born here so they are more expose to freely express themselves as loving couples should. I can't wait for webisode 6, Hope Ha Ni doesn't hospitalize Seung Jo again. My heart has already start racing in place of BJS. She might cause him to have a heart attack with her driving. Don't forget to keep your seatbelt on BJS..LOL...Fight Fight..

  5. You know...I noticed JSM's fists are often closed during their kissing scenes, like during the rain kiss and also during the matching pink/baby blue PJs kiss on the couch and on the bed...
    Could this be revealing her intense REAL feelings towards KHJ? or am I looking too much into this? LOL

  6. agree!..agree!..this is the beginning of the hotter (Ep6) and the hottest (Ep7) scenes!!.. PK will end with a BIG BANG!!!..c'mon give it to us pleassseee!!..omo!..i can't wait!..hahahha..

  7. I don't know what girl in their right mind wouldn't start having feelings for a man like KHJ especially after so many kissing and intimate scenes....some of them pretty hot.
    And to talk to him everyday for 4 months and see his charm and witty personality....
    Aigoo...I know I would be TKO. =P

  8. haha... your tweet totally tempted me to come read the comments... kk
    i tried resisting... couldn't. i should quit reading my timeline...TT
    hilarious indeed... i think i'm obsessed with this couple to almost an unhealthy point.. or perhaps scratch the almost. XD

  9. i love it! thank you Kathy!Awesomeness is your middlename! Fighting!

  10. Dear Miss Kathy,
    We, your KHJ angels want to present this as our gift for you! We want your day really special and have a meaningful transition towards adulthood through this cheeky article! hahahahha!Or we can see see as a pure science: First, CHEMISTRY and the rest is BIOLOGY! Happy birthday Dear! God bless!
    Cheers!- Markii Rose!

  11. guys, just had to comment on HN's hands, someone already posted this over at ockoala's blog and i noticed the same thing.

    i also initially thought that she was closing her fist during the rain kiss too. but upon replay nth number of times (hee), i realized that she’s actually curling her fingers to hold on to him…its definitely cute, the way she holds on to him like that, not in a clingy or possesive way…just right .

    you can see it during the second piggyback scene and on their honeymoon bed scene too..she was holding on to his clothes in the same way. ;)

  12. the article made my day.. ^^
    of course the tongue must participate too if you sucking. ha but the tongue participation still the tame one.. well still inside his mouth, not invading hers.. :)
    but of course the tongue do its role in tame way ^^

    oh and i love KHJ moistly look before the kiss, it just to die for!

  13. When kisses are analyzed mechanically ,it loses its emotional tensions that the kiss was supposed to bring.

    I would rather read about kisses that tugs at the heart and warming or even setting your soul on fire as you give your all to express that love .

    Kisses and embraces allow the flow of unhampered emotions received and freely given back. It is action that speaks a thousand louder than words .

  14. the context of the analysis was meant to " understand" what is going on between the characters! but as die hards, we want more! Truthfully,I personally love the latter!Cheers!

  15. And I am sure KHJ carries his computer notebook to Tokyo and Guangzhou to follow the webisodes on YT anywhere at anytime.

  16. If I can be made to believe that our couple is in love with their kisses -that to me what counts a lot regardless of how that kiss was made . It is that connection you do with the characters .

    It can even be a peck on the cheek or the forehead -you can tell if it was made with his/ her whole heart .

  17. That's why you're my favorite blogger Ate Kath. You're amazing. :)

  18. @ 1045: Kissing is one-step closer to "real intimacy". As a viewer of Playful Kiss, I believe the characters were more than acting!Try watching their "kisses journey" and you will understand what's going on...
