Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong Went To CHURCH Today

 This is the first time I saw him going to mass...Did you just love him more??!!!

Credits: yuki985@twitter; hyunderella

Thanks to guest for the link on sidebar..

Why he went to the church?
To celebrate Father Daecon's appointment ^^

I thought he want to play football yesterday ?? ^^
maybe after that...
you know boys love to play football @ late night
even after midnight they might play it ....

Tweet from owner of this photo
She replied to her friends
Translation: wonderrrgirl @
@HHHYUNN 응 니말이 사실이었어 완전 깜놀!!오늘 현중이 아버님 안수집사님 임직하셔서 왔더라구~앞에 나와서 한마디도 하고갔어~나 완전 넋놓고 따라다님 ㅋㅋㅋ
Hmm, it's really true, totally shocking!! Today Hyun Joong and Father the Deacon was appointed~ I want to go up to say a word~I was totally at lost of words kekeke)

@HHHYUNN 주차장에서 가는것도 코앞에서 봤어 아 너무좋아 너무좋아~~!!!
Saw (him) near the carpark lot, ah really like really like~~!!!

@maehwa100 현중이네 부모님 우리교회 다니시는데~오늘 현중이 아버님 안수집사 되는날이라 축하해주러 왔었어~꺄아아아 주차장에서 가는것도 코앞에서 봤어~완전 반짝반짝해~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Hyun Joong's parents frequently go to our Church~ Today Hyun Joong & Father the Deacon came to celebrate the day. ~ Kyaaaa saw him near the carpark lot~ totally shining shining~ kekekeke

brief translation by worderrrgirl @

The girl said that she got a call from a friend when she was sleeping,
saying KHJ is there... at a bar in front of her house.
Said he's v handsome & she managed to get a signature from him & a photo?
Not sure if she meant took photo WITH him
or that photo she took of him walking past.



  2. am happy that he believes in God..since most Koreans practice Buddhism..hahaha..look at those videophones by the girls!..i wonder what he's saying here? and why was he given a time to speak also?

  3. As far as I know quite a lot of Koreans are Christians ^^
    So he's a Catholic? I thought he's a Christian.
    But what is he doing in front there?
    Is he singing? giving testimony?
    Or maybe.. preaching? LOL =p

    I'm so happy for him that he got the chance to go to church this Sunday. He might not be able to go to church regularly because of his tight schedule..
    But I've seen some pics of him in church from long time ago before, and he also likes to play soccer with his church friends.. And Kim Bum is also one of his church friends and neighbours right ^^
    May God bless him always!

  4. Korea has the biggest number of conversion to Christianity in the Asia Pacific. There is a Christian Pastor who has the biggest Christian church in SK and who one time, preached in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, I forgot his name. From Tarits

  5. That's why he has a bountiful blessings comes in his way because of his faithfulness to GOD even he's so busy on his career and private life.

    Though i'm wondering why he's in the middle but still, a BIG HUGS for you leader!


  6. he had his cnn interview earlier this day right? so i was wondering if this was taken before or after the interview...
    im really so proud of him. :)

  7. There is a video in three parts(entitled the KHJ story) which shows Leader playing the guitar for mass songs when he was much younger, I guess before and during his trainee days. It shows also how good he plays the bass guitar. Leader belonged to a rock band and played in school before he became a trainee and debuted for SS501.^^ On a similar note, there is also a video where Leader sang "Thank you" for a relative's church wedding^^

  8. o he is a christian? tat is soo cool. well..i am a baptist....glad to see him in church!

    1. Wow.I was feeling too happy to that he is christian.

  9. Does anyone know why he was there?

    And I'm sorry I don't think it's a Catholic church, but that doesn't matter. Just as long has he's got a spiritual connection with God, right?


  10. That is why he said in the farewell episode of the WGM about HB. He felt that HB was sent by God for him. HJ & HB are both sincere Christians and do good work & help for the poor people in the world. They are matched by God, and I'm praying that they do continue inspiration works for the poor. That is what God wants from them to do not just making money. However, using the money for the poor people who are desperatley needs.

  11. Do we have more recent accounts other than WGM? this was 2008...thank you^^

  12. why hb's fans forced to link hj in all articles??? seriously, it's irritating really. WGM is an old story to be discussed in present nor the future..maybe, they are matched by GOD in spiritual way but not his lifetime partner..can't you see????in your two eyes?? they are not good looking together. HB is too old for this guy! he deserves a girl younger or level him..everytime, i go to any blogs or webs even the discussion is about the joongmin couple, HB's fans tried to figure out what happened in the past (WGM) and because of this, i came up a conclusions that the antis of joongmin couple are HB's fans.


  13. Perhaps you are right Aitzun about the anti HyunMin, that is why it is best to read current accounts as I mentioned earlier...ignore HBs fans yeah I am not exactly a HB fan myself(that is why I only watched a portion of WGM, I apologize to HB fans here) although WGM show did help Leader too.
    Here is the exact account of why Leader went to church though which I also indicated in the shoutbox

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Ur right it's kinda of irrelevant already and redundant and so obvious!
    Why cant they accept the fact that
    They're not really together or a couple zo begin with? I agre w u anony 11:10!
    Go fighting hyunmin/minjoong!!!

  16. Oh no let us avoid arguing about the tandem...we are all for Leader's success, HB and WGM is a part of Leader trackrecord and did help Leader back in 2008, two long years ago. JSM is such a sweet girl and says nothing bad about the girls linked to Leader like for example YEH, since her looks are currently compared to YEH...JSM is a shy and sweet girl...

  17. Agree absolutely with Anonymous of 10:16, 11:10, 11:23 and 12:22. KHJ is still in the process of character development and lots more maturity to grow.

  18. It's really nice to see him cementing his faith in the church! :)

    May I know the name of the church?

  19. jsm is not competing with khj, she can stand on her own! given good opportunities, i believe she will make it and will carve her own name in korean drama. She deserved all the accolades, praises for a job well done in PK. even though she's a newbie, it doesn't show she is because she has what it takes to be a good actress.with her talent,charisma and simplicity,i believe she can make it on her own. So it is FATE that she is the chosen one for the lead actress in PK!!

  20. Yes, for Christians, this fate that you mentioned is call God's will or plan, we believe that nothing happens by chance.

  21. I really like JungSoMin too, as I have always mentioned in my previous posts. Her sweetness, her innocent looks, her cuteness, her humility, her simplicity but she can become elegant and very pretty too, and she has got so much potential too. I can also say that someday she will become a better actress...These are also the qualities that I love in Leader that is why they look so good together and it feels right too^^ This doesn't mean that I have disregarded WGM, a show created in 2008, two years was a part of Leader's experience that helped him grow as a star...I adored Leader there for being so sexy, funny, cute & so natural^^ I have loved Leader with JungSoMin even more in Playful Kiss^^

  22. This video shows that Leader was active in church activities before he started becoming a trainee and debuted in SS501...

  23. agree all! i really don't know too what's the point of hyunmin antis that anywhere we can go they brought up WGM again and again even they already knew that it was sooooooo long ago! why they don't give up? funny on them('",)

    whoever the girl that makes our leader happy, be it..we have nothing to do with it...but still, i nominate jsm for him whahaha

  24. Oh!! You're anti HB on 5:08PM. Do you know all Korean & Asia showbizs & top celebrities love HB not JSM? Also, do you know Karma in religion? Pure love comes from giving others not receiving. Wake up and be relaitics. The drama is finished with lower rating in Korea. He just acted PK and is not a real situation. His popularity as a singer and actor cannot compare to a new girl JSM. Be relaitic in the real world. He mentioned to HB that she was sent by GOD.

  25. Here's another one of those HB fan again being UNREALISTIC and God also send JSM to KHJ isn't if you truly know God. I always find HB fans kinda weird and creepy to a unrestrainable extend. Please wake up! Btw Christians like KHJ don't believe in Karma, it's some Buddhist belief.

  26. What are you trying to do? Impose on us to believe that it should be HB...why? We find your ways already getting too creepy. Why are always fans in your country or whereever you are from always interfere with a star's personal life. In our country there are couples we like but actually we respect who they really prefer. We avoid going to the extend of sending hate emails and sending hate posts about it. It is their personal life. It is really up to Leader...Personally, I just like loving the fact that Leader and JSM, look so right together and it has nothing to do with the other girls that were previously linked with her. If Leader likes her too then we are happy too. Suddenly you just came out commenting about HB when this post is actually about his church activities. We actually want to know more about Leader. This is basically why the blog exists. Most of HyunMin fans are enjoying how they look so good together which is part of the success of Playful Kiss. Since the middle of September, we have ignored ratings because of how much we enjoyed the cast, the story, the elegance and all. We understand that most Koreans love serious dramas and they also prefer our dramas from our country which are of this kind with neverending conflicts, vendetta and schemes. We respect that. Our stars are even given awards in Korea. These actresses are indeed award winning in our country. Except that the stories have become too harsh sometimes. On the other hand, we prefer dramas that make us smile, laugh and feel good which seems to have become the other way around. Playful Kiss has sold to 12 countries. Are you Korean? You should be grateful to us all international fans because we made this drama very popular and your country as well. I am sorry whoever you are, please understand us. We are trying to understand you but talking about karma and religious beliefs is way beyond just enjoying Playful Kiss...

  27. i'm sick of reading HB links to KHJ since these two are not cute either good looking together..HB's fans seems like an idiot to fantasize the two are in relationship in the past...too boring the unrealistic opinion...

    @2:26..don't pretend you're a korean. i have korean friends and the things you said about korean don't like jsm is not true so pls don't make a story to feed your fantasy. HB's fans like you is very pitiful.

  28. which church is this? :)

  29. Good to know that Hyun Joong is a Christian and he involves in Church activities. He is no doubt a talented artist. I love his voice and frequently listens his songs even though i don't understand Korean very much. But Unless he sings for the glory of God He can't be a truly blessed one. Hope he sings for the glory of God. God Bless him.

    1. Yes,i really wish he should use his beautiful voice to sihg for glory of God.

  30. By any chance possible to contact him. atleast once?
