Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min on YTKISS Site November 5, 2010

Everything is clear now on that controversy so let's all rejoice. Korean Media made a great boohoo again as always..And I just hate ALLKPOP...We really need to boycott that site from now on.. is a fancam from yesterday's filming..Which turns out to be the  last day of filming for them...huhuhu

I wanna scream everytime I see them!

Credit: sarah at blog/daum


  1. so they already filming the Happy Birthday a.k.a Steamy Scene (really hope to see it after they closed the door) epi?

  2. Yes, I´m abolutly agree with you. I hate that want to harm Hyun Joong!! I support him 4ever!!!!

  3. hi Kathy.

    it seems like the fancams and pics from yesterday are all for YT episode 6. so i guess they're not done yet with YT episode 7, right? HJL has yet to fulfill his promise about the steamy love scene.. kekeke

  4. I think so too..I think its not yet done..Cause its still the driving scene...!STEAMY STEAMY!!

  5. i hope that a minute of next week's episode is the continuation inside of that damn door! want to see them again on the ship hehehe
