Monday, November 1, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong is "The Hallyu Star of Next Generation"

Out of all Hallyu stars, I believe Hyun Joong is the most successful..He's just 25 years old, and look where he is now!!!


[News]Entertainment firms are “hot” due to “the shift in generations” of Hallyu fever in Japan.
Money Today, 2010-11-01 07:16
[Money Today, Reporter Kim Geon Woo]
Korean to English translation by suehan on Suehan's BYJ Blog

Hallyu fever in Japan, which made generational changes, makes the entertainment firms in Kosdaq (Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) hot. The base of Hallyu’s consumers has expanded to teenagers and people in their twenties as a result of environmental changes of the media. The teenagers and those in their twenties are considered as the new power in the growing Hallyu fever.


“The original Hallyu” Bae Yong Joon is a major shareholder of Keyeast. The expectations towards Keyeast from active workers, Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong, are reflected in the market. Recently, the stock price of Keyeast increased to 34% in 11 business days continuously rising from about 2,700 won to about 3,700 won,

In November, Bae Yong Joon plans to hold the press conference for the documentary of “The Journey to Discover the Beauty of Korea,”his travel essay, and will participate in the DATV charity project with Kim Hyun Joong in December.

Kim Hyun Joong’s drama, “Mischievous Kiss” of MBC, was pre-sold to 12 countries including Japan. He is considered the Hallyu star of the next generation. Currently, “Mischievous Kiss” is in production of the 7, 10 minute episodes for the Youtube Channel.

Keyeast’s subsidiary company, Digital Adventure owns cable TV, DATV, and the companies that are intrinsic in Hallyu Fever. DATV must meet a quota of 15,000 members, their break-even point, but luckily they are running smoothly with 20,000 current members.

Industry officials said, “Hallyu’s demography, consists of females in their forties – fifties and has expanded to teenagers and people in their twenties. It’s said that Hallyu was regarded as a temporary bubble, but is now recognized for its high-class content. This shift is a direct result of the idol stars and its competitive plans.”

*the chart compares the two entertainment firms,
SM (top) and Keyeast (bottom).


  1. oh no! its 7 youtube episodes? I thought they said 9 10minute episodes?
