Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong First Love Story Wedding

Yes..I will marry you! In every language!!

Credits: leenongkan2


  1. hope JSM is part of this vid..i would love to see them both getting married again..hehehe..

  2. Looks like you cannot distinguish between the drama and real life because you are brain washed with the only intimacy acting moments even though the leader already wrote the farewell letter to you guys. I think you need to turn internet off and look around what you can see in the world. They are not comparable at all. He is an superstar in Asia, but JSM is a little chick. Don't you think and see. Also, he has a real person in his heart.

  3. Anon 9:04, nothing stops KHJ from liking JSM if he wishes too! i hope they will be a real couple too. love them both!A superstar may be better off with someone less famous to balance life. Its love that counts. Not superstardom! JSM, fighting! KHJ, boy...nothing else to say. He has everything and he will be there for a long while.

  4. Anon (November 13, 2010 9:04 AM )

    hmm i'm curious...he has a real person in his heart?...who?...i think i know who u were refer to...but don't think he has someone right now...there are no rumors of him with anybody...he's so into his work...he's a very hardworking man...hope to see more of his work after this...KHJ Fighting!

  5. anoni 9:04am

    here you again forcing someone we know who you want to be with leader. unfortunately, you expecting nothing from hyunjoong's heart coz as his fans, we all know him sooooooo well from the beginning until now..Don't under estimate JSM because even she has a newbie but she has a lot of qualities which hj possibly love her & don't forget that she is the one and only CHAEBOL'S DAUGHTER. From family and educational background, i bet your idol status is not jsm's level..pls back off here, i know, deep in your heart you've jealous coz you can see it in hj's eyes & actions that there might be something between them..anyway, we will and see until they reveal to whom they want to date & marry in the future.

    bdw, i remember from hj's interview that he would chose love over career & he could have love & career at the same time. i hope it helps^__^


  6. sigh...its another one of those "other couple" people...get off your deluded world! Why don't you take your own advice and get a life. Stop obsessing about people who don't even know you.

  7. guys let's not fight over this ok...whoever he choose to be his partner is his business...we should just support and be happy for him...let's not hate ok...let's love! peace!!

  8. hahaha lol red all the comments, sometime i am thinking how about khj marry with Indonesian actress xixix (agnes monica,our good actress, good singer,multitalents,beautiful n smart) so will more often come to Jakarta Indonesia..hehehe just joking...

  9. I really dont know why they're picking on JSM?? She's not competing with anyone coz she knows that given the opportunities she can make it on her own. Although she's born with a silver spoon in her mouth, yet she remains humble, simple, modest and down to earth. she doesn't brag about everything she has. So it's not Surprising that KHJ feels so comfortable and full of life whenever he's with her!! JUST LIKE THE SONG THAT HE SUNG LAST NIGHT,SUNSHINE AGAIN!!!! JSM FIGHTING!

  10. well said anony 4:49pm


  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. OMG all this dirty talk about JSM! you are really downgrading yourself! she doesnt deserve this from anyone. she's working as an actress yet she gives her earnings to her mother. she is really a good girl. so if HJ ever developed his feeling into something deeper to JSM we should be happy for HJ because it was his choice to like someone nice and very much a lady!! No one can force HJ into something he doesnt want remember! so please no more bashing and talking rubbish. lets respect kathy's blog rules! geeez!

  13. Anon 9:04

    I dont wanna hate what you believe in.And I dont hate the girl you were hinting to. But seriously..Im getting frustrated cause obviously, the word RESPECT at the sidebar wasnt observed by you. Please...

    If you dont like the idea of HYUNMIN, then I dont think this is the blog for you. Cause obviously it shows..that I am a HYUNMIN shipper...


  14. That only proves how that other fandom is shaken by what they see between KHJ and JSM :D

    Do we need to say anything further?

    PS: Kathy, we're behind you!! Kathy fighting!

  15. hi, may I ask what's the title of the song playing in the video? thanks. :)

  16. MH,

    I think so too...


    I am not sure of the english title though. Cause I only have the Korean title.. 두근두근 is the title by Kim So Jung, Park Bo Ram, Lee Bo Ram

  17. kathy, jsm n khj ur the best , love u all...brightened my day, thank u...:):) "kalau tidak suka ya kelaut saja hahaha"

  18. Anon 9:04, WHO ARE YOU to judge JSM? Do you know her?
    Do you know Hyun Joong personally that you know very well whom he likes? Only HJ knows his own feeling and whoever he decides to be his life partner we should respect it coz it's HIS LIFE.
    Badmouthing JSM will only brings negative impression to your fandom and will cause antis for the woman who you want HJ to be with. Is that what you really want?
    I wont hate her but ppl like you make me dislike your fandom.

    The reason why we ship HyunMin is because we saw their chemistry and how comfortable they are together not only from their acting on screen but also from their BTS off screen. So no, we are not brainwashed and we dont need to turn our internet off.

    If you truly believe that there's nothing between them then why are you attacking JSM?
    It only shows that you feel insecure about your fandom.

    For me, both women are great persons so it's up to Leader to choose his woman, and it may not even be one of them.

    Sorry for the ranting xp
    Kathy, love your blog! HyunMin FTW!!

  19. Anon 7:11,

    I dont mind! I love ranting especially when its for the good and not bashing other actress just because your dreams of your fandom is just pure that. DREAMS.

  20. I really pity of MinMin. She don't deserve to be bash. She's nice & fine lady.

    I second the motion of anon 7:11pm.

    Kathy, no matter what, we're all here for you:-) Please don't stop loving KHJ & love your blog to the max!!


  21. Anon 7:11
    I wish to hope that your educated guesses are as good as ours!but again, there's nothing wrong with fantasy, right? look around you, the entertainment industry is built upon deception and taking advantage of people's guilibility! there's nothing wrong with our perception.
    TO Kathy,
    cheer up! your angels are behind you, with or without KHJ! -Markii Rose!

  22. Anon 9:04am
    Please take your comments elsewhere! We love JSM and HJ dear and Kathy's blog. Not respecting anyone that works with HJ dear and people who put so much dedication to support HJ dear means not respecting him too...! Kathy, fighting!
