Friday, November 5, 2010

KHJ violated contract for Asian Games [?]

As always...ALLKPOP always gives negative news...negative titles...sarcastic comments and such...Sorry if there are ALLKPOP lovers here..They are just bias..well, as for me...


Kim Hyun Joong violated his contract for the ‘Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games’

Kim Hyun Joong was previously reported to be participating in the opening ceremony for the 16th “Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games“ on November 12th, but it has recently been revealed that he violated his contract terms.

On November 5th, a news report by the Beijing Youth Daily included an interview with Chun Wei, the director for the opening ceremony. He stated, “We’ve been put in an extremely difficult situation due to the disclosure of Kim Hyun Joong participating in the opening ceremony. China has been keeping the names of our own singers under the utmost secrecy, so it’s difficult for us to understand why he went ahead and revealed it.”

He continued, “The point of the ceremony is to reveal who is singing the theme song on the day of the actual ceremony. We’re extremely shocked to hear that news of his participation have already been reported. He even signed the contract agreeing to keep the information a secret. Kim Hyun Joong violated the contract and it’s very unfortunate.”

Yet despite his disappointment, the director went on to express his understanding for the singer. ”The opening ceremony will hold a 100,000 member audience. Since it will also be broadcast live through TV, over a billion people will be watching Kim Hyun Joong. He probably thought of this as an honor and wanted to get it known. I understand his actions and will not ask him to take responsibility for it.


  1. Why big deal if news was let out? The people will be more excited to know whos whos and watch the games ceremony. Isn't this better? Attract viewers and ratings.l Honestly, if KHJ is singing I will watch otherwise, don't even care about the game. KHJ does not need the games to be well known. He's already SO POPULAR!

  2. I am from Australia. Never heard of this game, and never would have given a damn..until now. Because KHJ will be singing in it. And because of that, I will be watching... somehow.
    Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games committee should be happy that it's leaked! Now there will be even more interest in the game. And from countries outside of the Asian continent!

  3. Honestly, I'm Asian and I did'ny even know about when the Asian games are going to be held, I only found out because KHJ will sing at the opening... not saying I'm not proud to be Asian it's just that there is not much press about the Asian Games...

  4. Asian Games is equivalent to Commonwealth Games in Australian parlance. This is the ultimate show of sports prowess and dominace among asian nations, apart from the Olympics!I reckon, the sports organizers are just making a hoopla of non-sense to take advantage of KHJ's popularity!Oh well, any bad news in actually, a good news! Cheers- Markiii Rose!

  5. soooooooo irritating this kind of news especially from ALLKPOP!!!!!!!!! A BIG THUMBS-DOWN FOR THEM!


  6. Cheer up girls another exaggeration on the part of allkpop to catch attention and more comments from viewers at the expense of Leader...If you happen to visit that Singaporean fansboard, they read and translated the Chinese news article and this is their comment...
    I found out last night that one of my running coaches will participate in the Asian games in Guangzhou and I will surely ask him to takes pictures of our Leader that is if he doesn't mind. "Sunshine Again" is really a nice song, here is a video of the song ^^ agnes

  7. Oh, Kathy, don't even get me started about allkpop. That site really pisses me off to the nth degree. Not only do they have misleading titles, but they straight out bash SS501 and our dear Leader all the time in their subjective articles. One time, I couldn't take it anymore and wrote comments to defend SS501 and they deleted half my comment (the good part), but I had already gathered so many thumbs up from fellow Triple S before they did. Allkpop is a bunch of @$#%@&@%$@!

  8. Oh, and don't worry too much about the bad press, cuz there's no such thing as bad publicity. KHJ will prevail in all this.

  9. AKP uses ugly tactic to get attention to its blog -why do we still go to it if it has that notorious reputation anyway.Best thing is to ignore it not dignify it .We know the truth ,KHJ doesn't need that kind of publicity .They should be glad that KHJ is doing it for Korea . What the heck is that secrecy -then if they don't care for the identity of the singers to be known ahead of time they can go play any old record. THen let us see who will care to attend or watch it on TV /internet .

    KHJ has that pulling power -isn't it why they invited him there in the first place ? They are using him to get the games popular ,and yet accusing him now of violating the contract .

    Nothing but the hypocrites over there and AKP is enjoying this trash of a news .Wwho is masterminding all these ?

    Hah ,you can't kick a good person down !
    If I were KHJ I will turn down the invitation to teach them a lesson .

  10. Is that blog AKP Korean ? If that is so ,they should be ashamed of themselves .KHJ is representing the country which has the second largest athlete delegation (781 )second to China's 900. Compared to China,SK is so small but has trained so many athletes good enough to compete internationally. KHJ must be so proud to be there with his country's athletes . Now this crappy "tabloid" ...I smell something fishy .Not good.

  11. Our beloved leader declining their invitation is not a bad idea at all! AKP sucks! KHJ does not need the publicity.

  12. I like the way, the Singaporeans reacted to the article, a very positive approach. It is a good thing they are Chinese speaking too. Since there are also a lot of Chinese bloggers who translate Korean news to Chinese, this blog then proceeds with a translation from Chinese to English which they try their best to do accurately while retaining the essence of the original message. Yeah, I have always been partial with AKP. Their goal has always been to increase more viewers and comments...

  13. That is dumb..the China-media was gonna leak out the news the next morning anyways..I think it's stupid how the director would said " it’s difficult for us to understand why he went ahead and revealed it.” He should get the story right first before pointing finger at KHJ..and if KHJ wanted to leak out the news so bad, he would have told the public the reason why he went to Beijing when they spotted him at the airport..Wat is up with all the false headline scandals involving KHJ this year..I hope he doesn't take in too much stress and worries..LEADER FIGHTING!!!!
