Wednesday, November 3, 2010

HyunMin? JoongMin? MinJoong? JoNi? What to call our PK Couple??!!!

As evident, I am hyped again...of course! Seeing that awesome BTS made me scream!!!!!

Ok...So...I am having this major problem..REALLY..What to call our couple??!!!

I first saw MinJoong..But then some told me JoongMin is better..then HyunMin came along..then JoNi..haha! Im confused! HAHA!!

So IM really really asking what do you think! Give your answers on the comment page and the most number of choice, that we will use, ok??


  1. I'd say JOONGMIN, easier to pronounce! I love love this couple! I can sense their physical attraction to each other looking at those BTS!

  2. I love HyunMin personally. We have the first part of Hyun Joongs name then the second part of So Min's name. So then it creates one cute couple name.

  3. i want HyunMin since hyunjoong is the guy and he's the first we recognized followed by so min..i would say, it's nice to hear that name for our couple hehe.

  4. i think i love JoongMin more than HyunMin....^^

  5. LOL..I was sooo distracted by the pic and getting all giddy that I forgot to read your post..anyways, I like JoongMin, becuz it's the last word of their name..heck, I like all the couple's nicknames..

  6. i vote for joongmin or minjoong. luv ur blog

  7. me 2 . JoongMin sounds cute and easy to remember and call also. anyway, JoongMin , HyunMin , MinJoong or JoNi is okay to me. juz both of them together is perfect to me :x:x:x

  8. I'm for MinJoong as the soompi thread is called like that and a lot people on soompi are used to it :)

  9. I prefer HyunMin too! ^_^

  10. Yah! I like HyunMin too ^_^

  11. omooooooooo! HyunMin dear!!! ^_^

  12. I like HyunMin because I like calling myself a Hyunnie *_*

  13. HyunMin dears...I like the sound of it c:

  14. HyunMin seems easier for me to recall *_*

  15. I vote for JoongMin :)

  16. I like HyunMin because it the first and second names of Kim Hyun Joong Leader and Jung So Min. I find it endearing *_*

  17. JoongMin or MinJoong!!!

  18. I heard some people call them SeungNi couple. but I prefer HyunMin!! :)

  19. i vote for HYUNMIN cause I love Kim Hyun Joong more than so min..and i know we're all here are

  20. I searched for the meaning of the names to have a better understanding
    Hyun means wise, righteous or affectionate
    I can only find a Korean meaning for JOON it means handsome or goodlooking and we know that Leader is
    SO is the musical note (hehehe) but in Korean means beautiful
    MIN means clever...
    Now, can you believe it? Their names if you think about it mean the same altogether...hahaha
    Unbelievable, although JungSoMin is only a celebrity name but still how could they have names with the same meaning...
    We know that they are both handsome, goodlooking or beautiful, right?
    So I choose HYUNMIN because I like what it means and to look at in a more substantial way...WISE, AFFECTIONATE and CLEVER in the right, proper, righteous way...sorry so long explanation hahaha

  21. A big thumbs-up for HyunMin! hehe


  22. HYUNMIN is great! ^_^

  23. Yes, I agree with HYUNMIN its very appropriate ^_^

  24. JONI! lol.
    i prefer minjoong or hyunmin :)

  25. joongmin,minjoong,hyunmin watever i love them much.............. do u think hyun joong likes so min....... i wish that hyun joong and so min is a true couple.... heheheheheeheheh
