Sunday, October 31, 2010

Playful Kiss "Saranghamnida" NG from Episode 16(With Translation)

OMO!!!!These two cant stop laughing together!!

Translations by kjuice0607
0:01~0:05 Staff Member: Ready, look at each moistly and then say I love you.
[Background people: How do you look at someone "moistly"? What does he mean?]
0:08 Let's see how these people will show us "moistly'?
0:11 JSM: hahaha, I'm sorry. "Moistly" is just too funny.
[Staff Member: Don't laugh and look at each other moistly and..]
0:22 Challenging (trying) again.
0:28 State of being "moist" is ripening
0:32 KHJ: I love you.

I love HYUNMIN!!!!!!!

Credits: littlebean


  1. Just don't understand, why they keep NG on this... just saying I Love You... it soooooo easy when comparing to their kiss scenes...

    But I still love it... soooooo sad this is the last MBC happy time NG... hope G8 will release more on youtube last on... the lastest making#5 & #6 is too similiar to those already air...

  2. aahh!! they're so cute!! always laughing! good that leader gets to laugh a lot because of so min..she seems to really have a bubbly personality...just love them..go hyunmin!! haha

  3. I actually dont get it why they find it really funny..Maybe what the PD was saying was the one that was making them laugh..

    I hope they release more!


  4. Vinz,

    So Min's laugh is sooo ADDICTING!!!! As long with Leader!! HYUNMIN GO GO GO!!!!


  5. why does it look to me that Joongie meant it when he said saranghamnida? LOL!!! they're really so cute together!!
    Noona D

  6. So funny! Everyone kept hurrying him to say the word and he just couldn't open his mouth. When he did, she laughed at him. Another NG!

  7. Yah! only to say i love you make them a lot of NG, weird hehe but i love the hj's laugh haha and so min's too hehe. HyunMin couple the best!


  8. OMO!!!Here comes the HYUNMIN hype again!!!!!!


  9. I think they feel shy =))) i mean kiss is alright because if they just feel comfortable to each others, they can act but saying 'i love you' is different :)) If it's just joking, it's too easy... but I know that even with two person who are in love, saying "i love you" is really hard =))... Yet why they must shy if they're only actor and actress =))) If they are, this scene is so easy if compare to kiss scene :))) Love in the air <3
    Yep!! I'm minjoong's shipper so don't blame me for all the above :))

  10. ahh, so everyone was hurrying him to say the word?? hehe!! cuteness! this is just a guess, but i think group 8 might be saving other ngs and bts for the dvd...what u think? did they do the same to BOF?

  11. Anonymous 2:37:

    I DONT BLAME YOU! I feel the same way! kekeke

    Anon 2:44:

    I guess so! So we could grab the DVD more than anything else! And I would definitely do!

  12. hyunjoong my love! are you in love now??? i want you to become my lover but if you don't like,nevermind! as long as you dating jung so min in real it's okay with me hahaha

    @anony 2:37 love your comment! soooo agree!

  13. hehe hj is difficult saying i love you even it is only an acting. uh uh i wonder why?

  14. Anon 4:36

    I love your comment!!!!!!!

  15. I think HJ was making faces at JSM to "show moistly"?? And JSM laugh...

  16. the way PD said to them that made them laughed...he said "look at each other moistly" sound weird...this is why JSM find it funny..what he meant was "look at each other with moist eyes and longing glare"...they can't help it coz it was so cheezy...burst to

  17. hahaha freaking these two! kissing scene and bed scene so natural but this one, only looking their eyes with moistly they can't help it to find funny yah! soooo weird!! but still, i find them cute laughing together.

  18. Hyun Joong was really trying to give his best "chok chok(?)" expression but So Min cracks up and so he begins to crack up too. lol. During the second try, he has gotten serious but So Min can't help but laugh at his moistly" expression. Both of them are so cute!!

  19. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...Leader and SoMin ahhh ^_^

  20. naughty so min always laughing! maybe she's not used by khj's moistly expression that's why she did find it funny. ohh ohh what's the deal baek hani???

  21. waaaaaah i'm addicted to re-watch this vid again and again! nobody can't stop me doin this haha

