Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Indeed...they were....With all the shooting days, the sleepless nights of Leader, they were there..

That is why they have compiled all the BTS Shooting fancams they had from the very beginning since MK started..I actually cried watching this video. I think I will have a withdrawal syndrome when MK ends...I can't believe it is ending...



  1. me too... me too... the withdrawal symptoms started to appear quite early for me... TT
    i don't want to believe it's ending... andwae!
    that vid brought back so many memories..


  2. Suhyun,

    Indeed! I dont think I will never ever forget all the fancams,all the photos, the waiting for english subs to come out...Ahhh....



  3. well, let's try to enjoy the fun til the very end?
    we can wail later i guess... (ok, i'm tearing up now... not very good at taking my own advance...)

    anyways, this is not relevant to your blog but i thought you would enjoy watching it anyways...
    it's eun jo dancing to rainism... he's really a seungjo mini me...


  4. ommmgeeh! you are right! This compilation is telling us that MK is about to end...oh no...this is sooooooo sad...there maybe new dramas that Kim Hyun Joong will have in the future...but this has been the one that affected me so much. I will really miss monitoring MK news everyday huhuhu hehehe hahaha this is a mixed feeling of emotions. I am happy because we will soon see the wedding & honeymoon scenes and for Leader's acting and success, smiling because Leader has become more yummier hehe, and sad because I will really miss MK. ^_^

  5. I will miss too monitoring MK...I really do feel like crying too. I mean since September, we have monitoring news about Playful Kiss. Waiting for OSTs, presscons, interviews of Leader in his endorsements, monitoring his fanmeetings, and most of all waiting every week for previews, screencaps, videos of KHJ Perfect & other fancams then visiting for our Wed & Thurs episodes. It is really going to send soon. oh no...otokee...

  6. now I am crying, need to stop but I will just let it flow...hahaha after all we have to let go so I am crying...gosh...One More Time...will there be one more time...why does it have to send so soon...yummy Leader, Playful Kiss will really end soon...

  7. Suhyun,

    Thanks for the link!!!Eun Jo is just cute!!!!

    I cant help but tear up watching this fancam...It's just..I am excited for this day to come...But I just cant let go...With all the things we waited for every day..The teasers, screencaps, the interviews, the BTS photos, the endless great confession of how BSJ looks great, wow..I can't believe it has been 1 month ever since...


  8. yes, weekly I will miss waiting for the previews, screencaps, videos of the BTS of KHJ Perfect & other fans, of course I forgot the diaries, then visiting www.viikii for the episodes, then reading recaps...Playful Kiss will really end soon...

  9. Playful Kiss has been such a great roller coaster ride..but what made the ride even better, was having you,Kat & our "VERY naughty green chingus" with me for the ride!!!
    We still have 2 more episodes of giddy & fangirly moments to savor...
    Let's make the MOST OF IT!!!


  10. Yes...I am super happy I met all of you because of PK, because of Kim Hyun joong..

    I hope and I pray that after PK ends, Hyunnies will never leave..Stay there girls!

  11. yes, we will always be here to support Leader! c: haaay...agnes
