Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Hyun Joong Smiles at MK Finale Event by Slowdal

High quality photos are coming and coming! And I am loving it!!!

Thanks Again Anonymous..!

Credits: SLOWDAL


  1. Thank you very much for posting them here too. I really appreciate the effort of the fans who took these pictures, knowing it was very hard to do it at the event with all the guards so strict roaming around during the entire show. The photos are getting better and better ^_^

  2. Youre very welcome!!! Yeah my hats are off to these fans!

    The power of fangirling!

  3. I LOVE those pics... it's unbelievable how happy i am to see him so joyful lately...
    and to comment on your previous post.. i noticed his sexy adam apple in one of the basic house pics. and in the pix of the meeting, in the pix when he was dancing, the grey t-shirt highlighted his pecs.. *faint*
    and i enjoyed your live updating when you watched PK.. kk.

  4. Thank you so much Kathy for sharing!
    This set of pics. made my day! Such a lovely, pretty smile! It's so bright, but so sweet that it can take away all the tiredness of the day! Great thanks to Slowdal for taking these beautiful pics. of HJ's smile

  5. His eyes were shining so brightly that night. His smiles were just angelic and lit up the entire place I'm sure. Lucky fans....I wish I lived in Korea
