Friday, October 15, 2010

Mischievous Kiss Episode 14 Cut-Baek Seung Jo Proposes to Hani In Front of Parents

I know you want it....I know you do!! Cause I love ETTT!!!!!!!

Credits: baojuan


  1. yes... major bummer isn't it?
    you can find translation about the article everywhere... here's one of them.

    Can I cry? at least we have something... i feel greedy.. it's not enough... am i too greedy? TT

    Su Hyun.. (XD)

    and proposal scene... can i die.. right here? i think ive gone to heaven

  2. the translations are really not that perfect because Koreans are really not good in English. I wish I could understand so I we can translate not word for word but rather using the common words we usually use in conversational English...oh what can we do? otokee? ^_^
